来源: panlm 于 2008-11-20 08:31:02
The China GDP was much underestimated for 2007. A quick estimate is made
based on a number of items produced last year, indicating that the GDP values were
over 3 trillion US dollars. If all products were included,China would have been
the biggist economy in the world!
x10^8 $/t(or piece)
coal 23 35 805
steel 4.5 1500 6750
cement 5 65 325
grain 5 1250 6250
meet products 1.3 4500 5850
vegitable 9.36 1000 9360
autos 0.08 12000 960
tv 0.2 250 50
refr 0.15 250 37.5
mobile phones 0.33 50 16.5
computer 0.2 600 120
washing mechine 0.15 300 45
US $30,569 trillion