Economic & military discussion

Analysis of economic development: implications for the world power balance
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Data cannot speak for themselves, but need be interpreted

(2019-09-21 07:27:27) 下一个

Data cannot speak for themselves, but need be interpreted.

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However, some critical data have been simply ignored for long time without any reasons by common people, even by some main stream economists. Such data as annual electricity production per capita (AEPPC) are a critical index reflecting the development level or industrilization of a country, which is also linked to its military capabilty to some extent.

In 2018, UK's AEPPC was 5100 kwh, USA 11500, Japan 9755, Germany 7800, Canada 17600, Italy 7500, and France 8560 kwh. These are developped countries or G7 countries, where their citizens are enjoying the highest living standard or condition in the world. These countries GDP per capita are higher than US$40000, except for Italy (~$38000), much higher than the world average, ~$12000, in terms of exchange rate.

Brazil 2018 AEPPC was 3500 kwh, Russia 7600, India 2000, China 5150, and South Africa 4550 kwh. These are developping countries, also termed BRICS or emerging economies, because their GDP per capita are below the world average.

It is intriguing to look at the data, in particular AEPPC of a nation. The data cannot speak for themselves, but need be interpreted. If we use AEPPC of 5100 kwh as a key to reclassify countries into developped and developping ones, then Russia and China may be upgraded to developped countries whereas the other BRICS countries - Brazil, South Africa, India, are attributed to developping countries. Despite this, BRICS's GDP per capita are lower than the world average, thus they must be developping countries. Russia GDP per capita is close to the world average though, and will enter the club of the developped countries probably in 2019. China may follow Russia to become a developped nation if she can survive from the recent hardship due to the trade dispute with the States. Also, however, it is noted that although India AEPPC is still relatively low, she has a population of over 1.3 billions, helping that she is the third largest electricity producing country following China and USA, and third largest economy in terms of PPP GDP (see CIA World Factbook). Really, size matters! India will become a developped country because of her similarities to the western nations in many aspects, e.g., political system, free market economy, English as official language.


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