Olivia’s Life Blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog! This will be a blog about my life, and what I like and dislike. On that, my passions are reading,


(2019-04-23 20:27:50) 下一个

Hey guys! I’m back and I’m sorry I didn’t post in a while.I was very busy with my friends,

my job, et (and) mon (my) schoolwork and homework.So let start with my job! If you

Look at le (the) picture you can kinda see what I mean by job. I am une (one) of deux

(two) bosses (the other one is Akasha) dans (in) a great company called Kawii Inc.

Right now the bestselling department is Kawii Foods. If you have heard of us your 

très (really) lucky. We are going to sell all around our neighbor hood, une (one) 

kawii is fifty cents. Nice and cheap huh? Currently business is très bon (great) and 

might even grow! We have a wide array of Kawii Foods and (if you are interested,)

stop by if you want to!!! We are going to try to set up a stand with beverages in the

summer, and tout (all) money goes to my Art University funds! Thanks and tune in again!

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