Olivia’s Life Blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog! This will be a blog about my life, and what I like and dislike. On that, my passions are reading,

Sunset Dress Idea

(2019-04-11 20:11:10) 下一个

Sunset has been an idea ever since I first saw the colours rouge,orange et jaune!

(Red,orange and yellow)There are clear sequins on the dress,and threaded designs on it!

The heels have glitter on the ends and look very nice with the dress and the earrings!  

Speaking of earrings,they are dangling earrings,a centrepiece with tassels that have 

small balls at the end!  C’est tres bon! Jai aime c’est!(it’s very good!I like it!) Ma mere

 (my mom) priced it at 500$.Do you agree with the pricing?or would you have preferred

 a different price?


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