
Incentive Stock Option 员工股票期权的税务理解

(2021-02-20 23:20:18) 下一个



For example, $10 stock option grant price for 2000 shares, vesting in 4 years. 


Grant date: generally no tax implications.


Exercise date: normally upon termination of employment. Say after 3 year of grant date. Buy $10 x 1500 vested shares. Company will issue Form 3921 to show grant price $10, fair value on exercise date (say $30), and 1500 shares exercised. 


No ordinary income tax but employee will need to calculate the AMT (alternative minimum tax) based on the difference between fair value $30 and cost $10 times 1500 shares x AMT tax rate. The cost basis of these stock option AMT will be $30 per share in the future.


Selling date: say selling these 1500 shares after IPO at $210. Capital gain = ($210 - $10)x1500 = $300,000; AMT based on ($210 - $30 ) x 1500 x AMT tax rate. Broker will issue Form 1099-B.


由于AMT, Exercise stock option 也有税务风险。在2000年网络股票泡沫期间,有员工获$1 x 50,000公司股权,在上市前估值到一股$100409A fair value)Execise换为股票,缴了几十万的AMT,不料上巿后不久公司股价大跌成仙股。白白打工几年缴了AMT。狼会吃肉,也会挨揍!

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