


(2019-02-27 07:46:19) 下一个




 2019 热闹的電影頒獎季節24日晚在美國洛杉磯以圓滿, 明亮, 快捷,溫情的奧斯卡頒獎儀式結束。這個頒獎大會不僅在內容上延續了《Green Book》(儘管有爭議), 《Roma》,《Bohemian Rhapsody》, 《Blackkklansman》《 If Beale Street Could Talk》  那樣的美好的同情,理解和愛,而且從頒獎會的電視直播內容和形式上也體現了這些電影藝術的永恆主題,真可稱為一首返璞歸真的電影藝術的讚歌。


在長達三小時18分的頒獎儀式中, 沒有历届主持人的冗长独白,硬擠的插科打诨,或是發食物,拍自拍像, 也沒有出格的政治言論。(Spike Lee 致謝可以說有政治內容,但是由衷,真誠,幽默的直言)。動情的歌曲表演,各族裔優秀電影人上台頒獎的幽默,還有興奮激動的得獎者真誠的致謝, 將觀眾緊緊吸引在頒獎過程中。看看Queen 的開場表演,Lady Gaga 和Bradley的Shallow 一曲重新搬演, Melissa McCarthy 英國女王的長袍和布袋兔子玩偶,Brian Tyree Henry 自制的Mary Poppins服裝,Keegan-Michael Key 打著傘從劇院頂降落,聽聽Lady Gaga, Olivia Colman ,Rami Malek ,激動的真情致謝。這些不禁讓人會問,過去三十年的奧斯卡四處求人主持是否走錯了路,花裡胡哨的雜耍噱頭是否要拋棄。 事實證明奧斯卡應該恢復自信,相信自己的魅力了。去他們的主持人吧。


開場的 Queen的表演引來了全場的同聲高吭,將頒獎會帶入Bohemian Rhapsody激動人心氛圍,可以說是向Queen和 Bohemian Rhapsody 影片最好的致敬。接下來 三位前SNL的女喜劇演員Amy Poehler, Maya Rudoph and Tina Fey的簡短,幽默,溫情的開場白,給晚會奠定了基調。

後來的Lady Gaga 和Bradley Cooper 默默地走上台搬演Shallow 也是對 A Star is Born 影片的致敬。兩人的深情表演打動了所有觀眾,燈光,攝影,移動鏡頭,特寫,美崙美奐,讓你想起電影中同樣段落的美。這一重現給Oscars留下難忘的情感和藝術的一鏡。很顯然這是Bradley Cooper的設計和導演。這一時刻還招了無數的網民嫉妒和猜疑。兩位演員和家人還不得不出來解釋。

身穿白色長裙的Rigina King的致謝詞像James Baldwin文學語言一樣的美: James Baldwin 給了 If Beale Street Could Talk 生命, Barry Jenkins 養育了它。她那美麗的媽媽致謝詞感人至深。這一謝MOM情結貫穿了整個頒獎會,自動地形成一個主題。Rami Malek, Olivia  Colman, Lady Gaga, 他們都是那麼真誠地感恩母親和家人。

得獎者對製片人的膽識,藝術夥伴,原型人物的致謝真誠,精彩 ,動人,一次次將大會推向高潮。 如 Alfonso Cuaron,Mahershala Ali, Lady Gaga, Rami Malek, Olivia Coleman, Costume Designer Ruth E. Carter,Production Designer Hannah Beachler 。

有幾個激動的場面令人難忘,將會成為 Oscars 的經典場面。Spike Lee 獲最佳電影劇本改編,Olivia Colman 獲最佳女主角,Israeli Film makers Guy Nattiv and Jaime Ray獲最佳短片《Skin》, Rayka Zehtabchi 獲最佳短紀錄片《Period, the End of Sentence》,Domme Shi 獲最佳動畫短片《Bao》,Babara Streisand 介紹 Blackkklansman。


製片人對頒獎人的挑選可以說用盡了心機,讓21歲的 The Hate U Give 主演 Amandila Stenberg 和79歲的民權運動的先驅國會議員 John Lewis介紹影 Green Book;喜劇演員Mike Myers and Dana Carvey介紹 Bohemian Rhapsody (在著名喜劇影片Wyane“s World(1992)裡他們曾高唱過 Bohemian Rhapsody); Queen Latifia介紹《Bohemian Rhapsody 》(Queen)。 網球明星Serena Williams介紹 A Star is Born;電影教母級人物 Babara Streisand 介紹 Brooklyn 老鄉 Spike Lee 的BlackKklansman 的藝術成就。Javier Bardem和楊紫瓊介紹和頒獎給最佳外語電影得主 Alfonso 和他的Roma;Trevor Noah 介紹 The Black Panther(他來自南非---虛構王國Wakanda所在地)。

選擇不同族裔的優秀影人承擔頒獎人也是對他們的藝術貢獻的承認,同時也顯示出製片人的胸懷。電影藝術是世界藝術,多民族藝術,Oscars 需要多民族的代表。比如 Crazy Asian 中的四位女演員:楊紫瓊,Constance Wu, Gamma Chan,Awkwasina。The Black Panther 的主演:Michael B. Jordan, Chadwick Boseman,  Angela Bassette。此外還有 If Beale Street Could Talk中的主演: KiKi Lane。

今年有16 位女性影人得獎,最佳服裝,最佳美術第一次頒發給非裔藝術家,Alfonso Cuaron 一人得三獎,最佳外語片,最佳攝影,最佳導演,從事30多年電影創作的Spike Lee 第一次獲獎。Mahershala Ali 成為第一個兩次獲最佳男配角的非裔演員。Rami Malek 第一位阿拉伯裔的最佳男主角。

紀念逝去的電影人段落由Gustavo Dudamel指揮洛杉磯交響樂團伴奏也是創新,是促進本地文化藝術的一個最佳選擇。

今年的 Oscars 還有一個主題是古典,金色舞台外殼設計像古典劇院,線條像意大利畫家Sandro Botticelli 1483年的 The Birth of Venus 中 Venus 的長發,整個舞台像是一個沒有面孔的 Venus,而這張面孔就成了來頒獎領獎的藝術家。舞台背景由紅色玫瑰組成,各種像綢帶和髮絲的線條橫穿舞台背景和地板與舞台的金發外殼呼應。往年的巨型金色奧斯卡雕像由紅色玫瑰雕塑代替。


很多女影人著粉色古典色時裝:Angela Basset, Julia Robert,Gamma Chan,Helen Mirren。Glen Close 金色, Amy Adams,Brie Larson金屬色。Lady Gaga 也沒那麼現代,著黑色衣裙,黑手套,儼然再世 Audrey Hepburn。Charlize Theron 將發染黑,著淺藍素裝長裙。Mahershala Ali‘s wife Amatus Sami-Karim著典雅寬鬆的蘭花衣裙。楊紫瓊著金屬色淡紫色花裙, Constance Wu穿鮮豔的黃裙。Babara Streisand 著黑色長裙戴帽讓人想起她導演和主演的1983年的電影《Yentl》。她穿這身服裝介紹 Spike Lee 有特殊的含義。

男影人時裝也表現了性格品味, Spike Lee穿Prince的紫色套裝和項鍊,手上帶著1989年 《Do the Right Thing》電影中的指環 LOVE VS HATE, 著一雙金色Jordan運動鞋。這身打扮包含的很多內容,不愧為老電影藝術家。Samuel Jackson 的深綠色套裝, Mahershala Ali 戴氈帽, Richard E. Grant 暗紅色套裝,Chadwick Boseman’s藍珠裝,一條絲帶取代了領結。Billy Porter的黑絲絨夜禮服加長袍吸引了不少注意力。

ABC的廣告設計也很有品味 Walmart 的 Fashion 廣告和電影服裝的聯繫,Rolex四個著名電影導演寫信給未來的電影人, Google Assistant與 經典電影的配合。

真可謂珠壁交輝的 Oscars 電視轉播。

據ABC第二天的統計美國收看觀眾29.6 million 好過去年26 million。

當然任何直播都可能有遺憾,對我來說,當男女最佳主角上台致謝時我們希望看到其他最佳提名演員的情感。當最佳服裝設計,佈景設計感謝導演Rayn Googler時我們也沒看到The Black Panther 導演Rayan Googler的反應。Green Book 導演製片致謝時應該感謝Dr.Don Shirely。


製片:Donna Gigliottib 1955)曾作著名電影導演Martin Scorsese副製片,她作為製片的影片有Shakespeare in Love 1998),The Reader (2008) Silver Linings Playbook2012,Hidden Figure2016

從去年一接手91屆OSCARS電視轉播,她就認為沒有主持會有更多時間的讓觀眾看藝術家,事實證明她是對。請Babara Streisand 做 Blackkklansman 的介紹人也是她的主意。Bradley Cooper 和 Lady Gaga的搬演 Shallow也有她的功勞。

製片/導演:Glenn Weiss (b 1961)著名電視製片和導演, 多屆 Oscars ,Tony Awards, Emmy Awards ,Bet, Country Music Awards  導演。

舞台設計:David Korins 獲多次Tony Awards舞美獎提名。作品 War Paint, Hamilton





Olivia Colman

“This is hilarious. I got an Oscar," she said. "Okay. I have to thank lots of people. If I forget anybody, I'll find you later and give you a massive snog, I'm sorry I might forget now."

My best director, and the best film -- and both Emily and Rachel, the two loveliest women in the world to fall in love with and to go to work with every day," she said, referring to co-stars Emma Stone and Rachel Weisz.

I mean you can image, it wasn't a hardship," she added.

Colman also took time to commend her fellow nominees.

“To be in this category with these extraordinary women -- Glenn Close, you've been my idol for so long," said Colman. "This is not how I wanted to it to be, and I think you're amazing and I love you very much."

The actress also mentioned her family, including her kids, her husband and her agent, acknowledging their support.

She finished her speech by sharing an inspirational message to aspiring actresses who might be watching her acceptance speech.

"Any little girl who is practicing their speech on the telly, you never know. I used to work as a cleaner, and I loved that job. I did spend quite a lot of time imagining this."

Spike Lee’s Acceptance Speech

“Four hundred years. Our ancestors were stolen from Mother Africa and bought to Jamestown, Virginia, enslaved. Our ancestors worked the land from can’t see in the morning to can’t see at night. My grandmother, [inaudible], who lived to be 100 years young, who was a Spelman College graduate even though her mother was a slave. My grandmother who saved 50 years of social security checks to put her first grandchild — she called me Spikie-poo — she put me through Morehouse College and N.Y.U. grad film. N.Y.U.!

Before the world tonight, I give praise to our ancestors who have built this country into what it is today along with the genocide of its native people. We all connect with our ancestors. We will have love and wisdom regained, we will regain our humanity. It will be a powerful moment. The 2020 presidential election is around the corner. Let’s all mobilize. Let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let’s do the right thing! You know I had to get that in there.”

Zehtabchi, director of Period. End of Sentence, accepting her Best Documentary Short Academy Award. 

“I can’t believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar,” sobbed Rayka “

79歲的國會議員 John Lewis

I can bear witness that the portrait of that time and place in our history is very real. It is seared in my memory,” Lewis said of the Jim Crow South, which “Green Book” takes place in.

“Our nation bears the scars of that time, as do I.”

Rami Malek Speech

Listen, we made a film about a gay man, an immigrant, who lived his life unapologetically himself, and the fact that I’m celebrating him and his story here tonight is proof that we’re longing for stories like this,” 

I am the son of immigrants from Egypt. I am a first generation American, and part of my story is being written right now and I could not be more grateful."

"this moment is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life."

Lady Gaga

"To my sister, my soulmate, I love you. My family's here, I love you, Mom and Dad. Bradley, there is not a single person on the planet that could've sang this song with me but you. Thank you for believing in us. Thank you so much. And if you are at home, and you're sitting on your couch and you're watching this right now, all I have to say is that this is hard work. I've worked hard for a long time, and it's not about, you know...it's not about winning. But what it's about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. There's a discipline for passion. And it's not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or you're beaten up. It's about how many times you stand up and are brave and you keep on going. Thank you!"

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阅读 ()评论 (3)
Rolfemom 回复 悄悄话 介绍得真好。 我周末补看。 谢谢。 :-)
漂亮姑娘 回复 悄悄话 仪式好,但内容质量一年不如一年!
风酥酥 回复 悄悄话 同意! 圓滿, 明亮, 快捷,溫情!