
赚足够的钱买经济舱去看世界; 过一种简单有意义的生活;与友分享旅行,美食,品味/位人生,丽人万里行!
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liren (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:

9天和我一起玩遍巴黎与周边 (5)- 物超所值的景点攻略,三千张美景照片!

(2019-01-27 18:11:33) 下一个


9天和我一起玩遍巴黎与周边 (5)- 物超所值的景点攻略,三千张美景照片!Napoleon's Tomb, Rodin Museum, Orangerie Museum, Pompidou


Day 5

May 7, 2008 Wednesday

Today's Highlights:

  1. Visited Napoleon's Tomb
  2. Rodin Museum
  3. Orangerie Museum (On the left corner of Tuileries Garden right getting into Concorde, it's one of my favorate museums, less crowded and featured with Monet's larger water lilies paintings, Many of Renoir's works are there, too)
  4. Visited Pompidou Center for 2 hours (Metro off at Hotel de Villel, then a short walk) and had lunch at top of Pompidou

(It's a bit overwhelming today, but my 20 euro Museum Pass got well used)




How to get there:

Napoleon's Tomb 拿破仑墓 (OR La Grande Arche废兵院) (SW) - Left Bank along Seine M 8,3, 12  R.E.R.C or

off at Invalides or Varenne

L'ecole Militaire(Ecole Militaire) 军校 (SW) - M 8 off at Ecole Militaire

Rodin Museum 罗丹艺术馆 (SW) (Near Orsay) - M 13 off at Varenne (closed on Mon, 5:45pm)

Musee de l'Orangerie 橘园博物馆 (Inside Tuileries from Concorde) - M 1, 8, 12 Concorde (Closed on Tue)

Pompidou Center 蓬皮杜中心 (NE) (close at 10pm) - M 1, 11 off at Hotel de Ville -- closed Tue 6pm
























































下面这部分应是橘园的 - 我称它为小奥赛馆

































































蓬皮杜现代艺术馆 Next ...


1.  抵达巴黎, 西奈岛, 圣母院, 塞纳河岸, 卢佛宫金字塔夜景 (Arrive Paris, Ile de la Cite, Notre Dame, Along Seine River, Louvre Glass Pyramid Night View)

2. 凡尔赛宫, 卢佛博物馆, 夜游塞纳河, 艾菲尔塔火花景, 香舍里榭,凱旋门 (Versailles, Louvre, Seine River evening boat tour, Eiffel Tower Night Sparkling View, floodlit walk along Champs-Elysees)

3. 白天的杜乐丽,协和广场,香舍里榭,凱旋门,亚历山大三世桥,艾菲尔塔,圣心教堂,蒙马特,红磨坊(Tuileries Garden, Place Concorde, Champs-Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Pont Alexandre III, Eiffel Tower Day View, Invalides,Sacre-Coeur Basilica, Montmartre, Moulin Rouge)

4.奥赛美术馆,拉雪兹公墓 (Orsay Museum, Lachaise Cemontery)

5.拿破仑墓,罗丹花园和雕塑馆,橘园美术馆,蓬皮杜现代艺术馆 (Napoleon's Tomb, Rodin Museum, Orangerie Museum, Pompidou)

6.参观蓬皮杜现代艺术馆,莫奈老家吉维尼(Pompidou, Monet's Home Giverny)

7.子爵堡,再来卢佛博物馆(Vaux le Vicomte, Louvre again)

8.圣礼拜堂,法院区,卢森堡公园,克鲁尼小博物馆,莫奈美术馆,加尼叶歌剧院看现代舞表演(Sainte-Chapelle, Palais de Justice complex, Luxembourg Garden, Cluny Museum, Monet Museum, Opera Garnier)

9.近看艾菲尔塔,圣哲曼教堂,告别巴黎!!(Last Day in Paris, Eiffel Tower, St. German Church)


Paris's travel Diaries:

巴黎五月花(1) – My Paris Travel (1)

巴黎五月花(2) – My Paris Travel (2)

巴黎五月花(3) – My Paris Travel (3)

巴黎五月花(4) – My Paris Travel (4)

巴黎五月花(5) – My Paris Travel (5)

巴黎五月花(6) – My Paris Travel (6)

巴黎五月花(7) – My Paris Travel (7)

巴黎五月花(8) – My Paris Travel (8)

巴黎五月花(9) – My Paris Travel (9)

巴黎五月花(10) – My Paris Travel (10)


Original Plan Drafts:

DAY  5 (5/7/08   Wen )

  1. Morning: Take an Impressionist escape to Giverny** or


  1. Afternoon: Follow Mariais Walk (NE) and tour Carnavalet

                 Museum**(history of Paris), have lunch at a

restaurant on place des Vosges or on rue des

                 Rosiers. Tour the Pompidou Center**(or people

watching by the Homage to Stravinsky fountains)/

or the Jewish Art and History Museum**,

Picasso's Museum**.

  1. Evening: Louvrere-visit until 9:45pm.


English/French/Chinese Name for Sites:

Giverny 莫奈吉维尼花园 (NW of Paris)
Auvers-sur-Oise凡高奥维小镇 (NW of Paris, E of Giverny)
Marais 玛莱区
Pompidou Center 蓬皮杜中心 (NE) (close at 10pm)
Jewish Art and History Museum 犹太艺术历史博物馆 (NE)
Maison de Victro Hugo 雨果故居(NE) (On Place de Vosges)
Picasso's Museum 毕加索画廊 (NE)
Carnavalet Museum 卡尔纳瓦莱博物馆 (Paris Hist) (NE)
Place des Vosges 孚日广场 (NE)
Place Bastille 巴士底广场 (NE), La Bastille 七月纪念碑
L'opera Bastille 新歌剧院 (NE)
Promenade Plantee Park
Jewish Quarter 犹太区(Near Carnavalet Mus) (NE)


Remarks: None


Have a nice weekend! Niubee
































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