
Facebook scandal

(2018-03-26 21:15:17) 下一个

By now you should have heard about the Facebook scandal. In case you haven't, you can get a recap from one of the following:

We the people have known Zuckerberg for a while now. Like many other super rich democrats, over the years he did a few things contradicting to the sacred progressive values, such as suing neighbors (not very neighborly, isn't it?), building a wall around his land (open border, anyone?), kissing Beijing's butt (O.M.G!). But the liberal MSM has always given him a pass and praised him for committing to give away 99% of his wealth to charity.

Why the sudden outrage now? 

It is not like there is no worse data breach. Remember 41 million Target consumers? Or 143 million Americans whose credit info got stolen from Equifax? Or 3 billion Yahoo accounts? Yes, it is a B in billions.

Plus, Facebook didn't really have a data breach. No system is hacked. No data is stolen. Cambridge Analytica retrieved the data legally through Facebook API. Every bit of data was collected in compliance to the user agreement and the permissions granted by users at the time.

Now, if Facebook did break the law, let the victims come forward and file lawsuits. I am sure there are plenty of hungry lawyers dying to take on a big/fat/rich target like Facebook.

Instead, what do we get here? Bombarding news coverage, rolling expert interviews, trending #DeleteFacebook. A court on media! And the judgement is fast and furious! 

But what is this really about?

Even since the election, the regressive left hasn't recovered from the reality that they lost it. Instead of admitting that they had the worst candidate ever, they are dying to spit on every scapegoat they could find.

And Facebook has been an easy target: fake news, Russian accounts, etc.  Just read this article from Washington Post:

With all the accusations, the left hasn't found any hard evidence. And now this gave them "the smoking gun" that they have long been looking for! Time to set an example!

Of cause, Zuckerberg is too smart to fight back. He came out to apologize on national TV. He bought newspaper ADs to say how sorry Facebook dropped the ball. And I bet he will be very humble and apologetic at congress when he is "invited" to testify.


And all I can say is:  Hang in there, Zuckerberg. 小扎, 挺住!

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