不管用什么语言写,诗大概都有共性,古体诗多讲工整对仗和押韵,而现代诗就不那么讲究。我会的语言不多,一门母语就是中文或汉语,两名外语, 都很蹩脚,一门勉强可以交流,另一门勉强可以读听。从现代诗的角度看,三种语言都差不多,就是比较随便,有点像把以前的散文,写短一点,从新排列一下,就发出去,这种形式其实也不错,可以让诗人的思想不受束缚,让诗像泉水一样向外面涌。
Sunday afternoon on a city beach.No sand, slabs of manufactured stone.I watch two blondes, maybe sisters,Inflate a raft. They use a bicycle pump.One tries to assemble two paddles,Gives up, puts them in her bag.The one on the pump removes her top.She has exerted herself into better posture.Her breasts are larger than I expected.I want to see if their tiny raft will hold them.The clouds and current move north.As they enter the water, Tony Allen warnsAgainst the boat journey: Running awayFrom a misery / Find yourself in a double misery.I recall photos of British tourists in GreeceFrowning at refugees,Greek children in gym class while hungry.In the direction the raft floats, the sistersPaddling with their hands, a planetarium.I wonder if it houses a telescope capableOf seeing the double misery on a Greek island.Maybe its lens is too powerful.The side of their raft reads EXPLORER.Their soles are black. If you pay attentionTo movies, white women have grimy soles.I have seen black actresses with exquisite feet.I recall my mother checking my socksIn the exam room before the doctor entered.The sisters let their ponytails dragIn dubious lake water.I’m not sure I hear these lyrics: Even ifThey let you enter / They probably won’t let you.Even if they let you enter / The baron won’t let you,The baron won’t let you.I note their appearances,Takeoff point. Just in case.I doubt any of our thoughts converge.What is it like to be so free?To drift in water in a country you callYour own. Unprepared because you can laughInto an official’s face. Explain, offer no apology.