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在网上见过很多这首诗的英译,觉得各有千秋,但很多是在直译,直译虽然尊重原词,但却往往会失去其中的寓意,像英文里所说的”lost in translation“。王之涣这首诗虽然每句都精彩,但是最重要的是后面两句,它用日常生活中的一个行动很简单形象地去说明一个很重要的道理,就是人要站得高,才能看得远。如果简单地直译,就成了:if one wants to see thousands of miles away, one has to climb higher and get to the next floor. 这太具体,让人会去想上一层楼真得就可以看得那么远吗?这样就会将读者的思维引向具体的动作过程而非其中的寓意。如果选择一个英文中很常用的表示远见的成语 "beyond the horizon", 进行意译可能更符合英文的思维。是否妥当,值得商榷!
说是谷哥,其实是笑它一下,谷歌的中文水平可能是在它所掌握的语言中最差之一。我试了试用谷歌把一个新闻发布从其它语言翻译成英文,其准确度可以高达90%以上。 中文如果能达到50%就不错了。
Climb the Finch Tower - Wang Zhihuan
I can already see the sun setting behind the mountain,
and the river flowing into the ocean.
But I will have to climb higher
if I want to see beyond the horizon!
王之涣 唐
白日依山尽, 黄河入海流,
欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼
The sun has fallen behind the mountain.
HuangHe river is running into the sea.
If I wish to expend my version thounds miles far away,
I need to climb even more higher.
They sun has fell behind the mountain.
The HuangHe river is running into the sea.
If I wish to expend my version thousands miles far away.
I need to climb even more higher.