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练习(11) - 桃太郎的故事(3)

(2020-04-26 11:28:56) 下一个

村 = むら = village
ぬすんだ = 盗んだ = stolen
宝物 = たからもの = treasure
ごちそう = ご馳走 = feast
ならべる ?ならべて = line up
酒盛り= さかもり= having a drink, having a party
真っ最中です =まっさいちゆう= in the middle of
In Onigashima, the demons were in the middle of having a feast with lots of treasures stolen from the nearby villages.

みんな = everyone
ぬかるな = do not blunder, don't make mistake
“Everyone, do not blunder, let's attack, do it!”

おしり = お尻= hip, butt
かみつき = 噛みつき = bit , 噛みつく= bite
せなか = 背中 = back
ひっかき = 引っ掻き= scratched,  引っ掻く= scratch
くちばし = 嘴 = beak
つつきました = 突きました = poked
The dog bit the demon's ass, the monkey scratched the demon's back, the pheasant poked the demon's eye with his beak.

振り回す = ふりまわす = swing around
大あばれ = 大暴れ = rampage
And Momotaro also waved his sword rampageously.

とうとう = finally
親分 = おやぶん = boss, leader
まいったぁ = 参ったぁ = well, OK
こうさん = 降参 = surrender
助けてくれぇ = たすけてくれぇ= please help me
あやまる = 謝る = apologize
Finally, the head of the demons begged for mercy, "OK, OK. I surrender, please forgive me" with his hands touching the ground.

取り上げた = とりあげた = picked up
つんで = 積んで = pile,  積んむ ->積んで
元気よく = cheerfully
Momotaro, the dog, the monkey, and the pheasant picked up and loaded the treasures from the demon into a car, and cheerfully returned home.

無事 = ぶじ = safe
無事な姿 = ぶじなすがた = safe appearance
大喜び = おおよろこび = overjoyed 
Grandpa and grandma were overjoyed to see Momotaro's safe return.

おかげ = thanks to
しあわせ = 幸せ = happy
くら す = 暮らす = live 
とさ = end of the story
The three of them lived happily with the treasure thereafter.

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