今天,大法官肯尼迪在今年审判结束后宣布正式退休,给共和党送了份大礼。虽然美国最高法院一共有九名法官,但是另外八人的观点非常鲜明,四左四右,只有肯尼迪是摇摆票,所以他的很多观点决定了最高法院的判决。包括同性恋合法,持枪合法。对华人影响最大的莫过于去年的AA,Fisher vs Texas 的裁决。肯尼迪最后决定维持affirmative action, 认为宗族还是入学应该考虑的因素之一。
现在Edward Blum 在和哈佛打官司,最终的目的是想官司一路到最高法院,推翻aa. 如果法官的人员不变,肯尼迪会说,哈佛用personality 系统性降低亚裔的入取分数不对,要改,但是宗族也应该是入学的考虑因素。。。。。。还是没有什么用。因为哈佛明天可以改变评分标准,更隐蔽的歧视亚裔。
I mean sell side analysts
I cannot agree. I've met lots of healthcare sector analysts on the street and only one or two are Chinese.
I think Chinese in medicine are overrepresented, by far.
But -- today the reality is, Chinese have taken away other races/ethnicities' chance at higher education. When the Chinese are already far overrepresented in the top colleges and universities (20%), does it make sense to eat all of the doughnuts in the box, and leave others with nothing?
In mainland China, there are affirmative action policies for minorities, too (see Affirmative Action in China; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affirmative_action_in_China , 少數民族加分).
After all, the goal should be for the betterment of the entire country and not just our own people, right?