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Path Of Exile guide – Skills, Arbitrary / RNG and More

(2017-11-30 18:07:10) 下一个

Paradigm Shift

Allocate a Keystone Passive Skill.

Very easy achievement to get and you will most likely get this 1 by playing normally as atleast 1 keystone passive have been in use in any build. Keystone passive tend to be huge round and alters your character in a different way to the build. If for some reason you dont have this, in the above picture i used the maurader and it just took 8 points.


Allocate the character's fourth Keystone Passive.

Pretty simple achievement to get, What you should do is specification into 4 keystone passives these are passives that make your character perform in a different way they are huge round along with golden outside them. I used an old duelist i had, also it only took 25 skill points to do.

Elemental Trinity

Kill an enemy which is simultaneously Ignited, Shocked, and Frozen.

There are many ways to get this, I got this one while in the farming group. But it is possible to do this 1 yourself. What you need to perform is kill any kind of monster that is impacted by Buy Path Of Exile items Ignited, Shocked, and Frozen while landing a killing strike. So you can, for example , utilize Hatred aura and Wrath in Enlighten Support gem set up and then use any kind of weapon/skill with fireplace dmg.


Shatter 5 monsters having a single action.

Develop a witch and eliminate hillock and progress to the town, turn in the quest and get freezing pulse jewel equip it and gather up group of mobs (atleast 5). Alternatively use hate gem in any build or character you might have and farm groups of mobs (atleast 5), also pretty easy to get this one when in farming organizations. Many ways to get this one these are just some examples.


Have a Skill Gem reach level 20.

Leveling a skill gem to level 20 takes a lot of time, in my experience ability gems usually reach level 20 about level 90. You should check the lvl progress on your gem by hovering over it together with your mouse. You cannot purchase a lvl 20 jewel for this achievement to pop you need to lvl it yourself. However you can buy a lvl 19 gem and level it to 20 to appear. Skill gems need to be active on gear for it to level upward you, you cannot level a gem sitting in your inventory or stash.

Vaal Gemling

Have a Vaal Skill Gem reach level 20.

Same as over but in this situation a vaal ability gem, if you do not run a vaal skill jewel in your build you can always just put 1 in the second weapon panel and simply just level it upward even if you dont utilize it. You cannot buy a lvl 20 gem for this achievement to appear you need to lvl this yourself. However you can buy a lvl 19 gem and level it to twenty for it to appear.

Ancestral Power

Have 3 Totems alive at one time.

Make a templar and spec in to the Ancestral bond keystone, then equip agonizing bond gem and summon the totem 3 times and it should pop.

Zombie Horde

Have 9 Raised Zombies alive at one time.

Spec into 4 keystone that gives you +1 zombies after that use the queens decree sword and ullr boots for adiitional +2 zombies and with the raise zombie gem giving you three for a total associated with 9 zombies.

View My Army

Have 60 Minions simultaneously.

Get the vaal summon skeletons gem, and set up a 4link setup with Dominating Blow + Melee Splash + Multistrike + Increased Length. Then go to a lower lvl area and begin using dominating strike until you get 38+ zombies up after that use vaal summon skeletons.

Unique Influence

Equip a Unique Treasure with a radius.

With this achievement you need to equip a unique jewel having a radius. Forexample An electricity from within unique treasure gives you +% increased maximum energy shield to skills inside the bubble around this. But you only need to equip it in a treasure slot.

Invested along with Blood

Reserve 95% or more of your Life.

Reserve 95% or more in your life to get this accomplishment!

Random / RNG

Identity Corruption

Damaged an item to have a brand new implicit mod.

Use a vaal orb upon any item for a opportunity to gain a new implicit mod.

Full Range

Corrupt an item to possess a white socket.

Using a vaal orb upon any white product may give you a chance for a white plug, with a white plug you can use any coloured skill gem in it.

Stranger in a Strange Land

Kill the Rogue Exile in Kaom's Stronghold.

There exists a small chance for any rogue exile to spawn in Kaom's Stronghold, when this individual spawns kill your pet and the achievement should pop. This may or may not take you a long time depending on RNG. A rogue exile will look like another gamer.

Hostile Territory

Damaged a map to get eight mods.

Using a vaal orb on the map will give you a little chance for it to create eight different mods on the map. This may or may not get you a long time based on RNG.

Dream within a Dream

Have a Distinctive Map drop within a Unique Map.

With this to pop you must have a unique map decrease while you are in a distinctive map. Easiest way i found for this is to purchase and farm Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Living room unique map because the unique boss within this map drops 4 maps.


Use and orb to change the mods of a Strongbox.

Find a strongbox in a chart or other region any strongbox will do, and then use any kind of orb you may have cheapest way is to use an orb of transmutation.

Alchemist's Stone

Create a Jewel along with four mods using an Orb of Alchemy.

Find any treasure you have use an orb of scouring to get rid of any mods it might already have and then how to use Orb of Alchemy on it, Rinse and repeat until you get four mods on a jewel. May take you 1000 tries or it can take you 1 it's almost all RNG based.

Left to Chance

Develop a Unique item using an Orb of Chance.

Using an orb associated with chance on any kind of white item provides you with a chance to turn it right into a unique item. This may or may not get you long, I got this after nearly 700 hours playing and chancing each time i had spare chance orbs, But it may only take you 1 hour. Heavy RNG achievement and its impossible to predict the number of orbs you need or how long it will take. Chance orbs are dropped randomly throuhout the world.

Dream Corruption

Damaged a map right into a Vaal Temple chart.

This will only work by corrupting a level 82 (tier 15) or higher map, Use a Vaal orb on the map of rate 15 or higher and hope for the best, alternatively, you can use an orb of scouring after which try again having a Vaal orb in case you are low on rate 15 maps. May take you 1 try or may take you a thousand tries.

Beginner's Luck

Have a Distinctive Item drop in the Twilight Strand upon Normal difficulty.

With this to pop you must have a unique item decrease in the Twillight Follicle (the first region you start on when starting the game) Easiest way is to make a new char run straight to hillock and kill him, if it doesnt drop stop to main menu and start again till it drops. He may drop some uncommon items with +item rarity equip if you find these as this will increase your chances. This may or may not get you a long time based on RNG.

Virtue Problem

Corrupt a skill jewel into a Vaal ability gem.

Use a Vaal Orb on a ability gem for a chance for it to turn right into a Vaal skill jewel.


Corrupt a distinctive Jewel into a different Unique Jewel.

Use a Vaal Orb on the unique jewel and there is a small chance it will turn into another one

Beyond Death

Kill Abaxoth, The End of All That is.

Abaxoth, the finish of All That Is is really a unique Beyond Devil, so you want to grind beyond map mods for a small chance for him to show up. Also keep an eye on the /820 worldwide chat as some people when they find your pet will share this.


Kill almost all Warband Leaders.


Create an item along with six linked electrical sockets using an Orb associated with Fusing.

Possibly among the worst ones to obtain along with left to chance. You need to have the six socket weapon or a chest and use an orb associated with fusing on it for any chance to six hyperlink it. Last time i tried this one i wasted 1200 fusings and still did not get it, i have tried this several times however no luck up to now.


Eternal Over shadow

Kill both Lunaris and Solaris in the same encounter.

Luanris and Solaris is the final bosses associated with Act 8 Are available inSky Shrine down the middle of The Harbour Link once the Moon Orb and Sun Orb have been retrieved through Solaris and Lunaris temple. Now once you enter you need to have bothe of them spawn simultaneously by using bothe orbs and then kill them. Fighting bothe of them at the same time is a tough fight so be prepared.

Two of a Kind

Equip two distinctive items with the same name.

Pretty easy to get just equip two of the same uniques, obviously will not work with a two passed or a chestpiece. What i did was equip two of Lifesprig Driftwood Wand They normally are very cheap to buy.


Free the Scion.

The scion are available in a cage in the sceptre of our god on the 4th or 5th level. Click the cage to totally free her earning you the achievement.

Golden Touch

Open a Large Chest.

This achievement explanation is kind of complicated as the large upper body you may think of chests you find randomly in various zones but this is not the case. You need to open up a large chest in either Vaults associated with Atziri or Acton's Nightmare map

Geared Up

Equip a Rare or Unique product in every non-Flask port.

Equip rare (yellow) or unique (orange) in every slot (flask slots dont count) Note! equipping only a two handed will not work, need to fill each slot.

Time Capsule

Open the Vaal Vessel within a corrupted zone.

Whilst playing you may come across a corrupted zone once in there at the end you will discover a boss eliminate the boss and you may open a vaal vessel. You can also utilize any sacrifice explode in a map device to enter the corrupted zone.

Elemental Aegis

Have at least 75% resistance to Fire, Cold and Lightning.

To get this you must have 75 resistance to each element except chaos. Easiest way is to go to your hideout since this is a regular zone. This can be coupled with flasks so the easiest method is to have some gear with +to almost all resists and then use a ruby and sapphire flask.

Raise the Bar

Have at least 90% resistance to any Element.

Pick any elemet you want to have maximum resists to such as forexample fire opposition equip two dark red rings, get gear with + fireplace resistance and use a ruby flask. Do that in your hideout or any act 1 zones.

Engulfed in Flames

Land the eliminating blow on the Burning up Man while you are burning up.

The burning man is a unique boss located in The Crystal Veins. Kill your pet while you are under fireplace for this to appear. Careful he might oneshot you depending on your own level or gear.


Hand in a complete Set of Divination Cards to Tasuni.

Occasionally when playing divination cards have a opportunity to drop, when you have a complete stack you can change them into Tasuni for a reward. Through turning them in to him the accomplishment will pop. Tasuni is located in Act four Highgate or whenever you return to highgate later on in the game.

No Loose Ends

Complete every side-quest.

Completing every side quest will get you this accomplishment. You can go back and finish this one later on in the game as the mission will not dissapear it is going to make things alittle bit easier thinking about you have different marks etc . Currently working on a guide for this 1 since much transformed since 3. 0 launched.


Assist all three Bandit Lords.

Before the up-date 3. 0 you could finish this by helping each in normal, cruel and hardcore. But now you cant do that. You must either help every in three different playthroughs or you can go back and finish this one later by using a costly recipe you can use to reset bandit lord and then help the rest. If you want to find out that bandit you helped type /passives.

Defence Against the Darkness

Land the killing strike on the Vaal Poe items for sale Oversoul while you have the Fortify Buff active.

Vaal Oversoul is the final boss of Take action 2 loacted in The Ancient Pyramid. To get this achievement you need to kill him while you have the Fortify buff active. The secure buff can be acquired in lots of ways such as skill gems, skill points, weaponry etc . The easiest way is to just use the ability gem "Vigilant Strike" as it grants you fortify buff when utilizing.

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