amount: 1-12 8 cuttings, remaining 5 cuttings
1. Lady of Shalott amount 8 cutting
2. William Shakespeare 2000 8 cutting
3. Princess Alexandra of Kent
4. Wollerton Old Hall
5. Charlotte
6. Olivia Rose Austin
7. Claire Austin
8. Boscobel
9. The Lady of the Lake ..
10. China Doll
11. The Fairy
12. Francis Meilland..
13. New Dawn.. 5 cuttings
14. Don Juan 5 cuttings
15. Pilgrim
16. All-American Magic
17. Cécile Brünner
18. Sterling Silver
19. Port Sunlight..
20. Variegata di Bologna, stripped
21. Gruss an Aachen, light pink
22. Paul Neyron, purple pink
23. Peace, Climbing..
24. Party Hardy..
25. Peach Beauty..
26. Persian Yellow
27. Gartendirektor Otto Linne
28. Sally Holmes
29. Monsieur Tillier..
30. White Pet
31. Kordes' Perfecta..
32. Munstead Wood
33. Royal Highness
34. Sunsprite
35. Fragrant Plum
36. The Pink Double Knock Out Rose
37. Tiffany..
38. Tiffany, Climbing
39. Bride's Dream..
40. Blaze
41. Blaze Improved
42. The Ancient Mariner
43. Tempo
44. The Blushing Knock Out Rose
45. The Poet's Wife
46. The Rainbow Knock Out Rose
47. The Sunny Knock Out Rose
48. Bathsheba
49. Baronne Prévostévost&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjq_eCvpdnsAhWKl54KHQM4DjUQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=rose+Baronne+Prévost&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoCCAA6BggAEAUQHjoGCAAQCBAeOgUIABCxA1Dr_wdY150IYNmnCGgAcAB4AIABaogBuwaSAQM4LjKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=83CaX6q4AYqv-gSD8LioAw&bih=921&biw=1366#imgrc=vhjqzIWvaJG46M
50. Ballerina
51. Eglantyne
52. Thérèse Bugnet
53. Eloquence
54. Blue Girl
55. Fairy Queen
56. Flamingo Kolorscape
57. Fascination
58. F. J. Grootendorst
59. Heirloom
60. Champneys' Pink Cluster
61. Ch-Ching
62. Carefree Sunshine, Climbing
63. Cécile Brünner, Climbing
64. Carrousel
1. Bur Mulflora 5cuttings
2. IXL 5 cuttings
3. Natal Briar 5 cuttings
4. Dela Griffair 5 cuttings
5. Standard 36" Fortuana 30 cuttings
6. Standard 36" Odorada 30 cuttings
7. Standard 36" Dr Huey 20 cuttings
8. Weeping 64" Dr Huey 10 cuttings if possible