曩居邻丹佛华盛顿公园,园中有一片老松。夏秋之际,每值风清气爽,好月当空之时,步入林中。此刻四围寂静,唯听虫鸣。但见月光如水,疏影斑驳。清露沾衣,松香袭人。待静立片刻,调气凝神,势起太极。揽雀尾,运单鞭,展云手 --- 前后进退,左右回转,唯有身影相随。偶尔一声惊鹊,扑鹿宿鸦。有孟德“月明星稀,乌鹊南飞”之境。而气流神逸,飘然于九天之上,岂非苏子“挟飞仙以遨游,抱明月而长终”之趣乎?
人生得此,何须奢求?于是敛气收神,回归太极,而身心澹然虚空,忘乎自我矣。昔以英文free verse 记此事。今再赋以水调歌头。
Tai Ji in Moonlight
The august night has come, the moon
Rises from the east, golden and full.
The willows droop, pondering---
Over the glimmering lake.
The haggard pines --- not pining away
After last season’s heavy snow
Still stand, with maimed crowns.
A squirrel peeps from above,
A cricket sings a beat,
---I make my move.
Grasp the Peacock’s Tail, Single Whip,
Show The White Crane’s Wings
To the slumbering geese.
Orpheus Plays Pipa, Triple Hands Switches.
An owl is startled, makes a Slant Fly.
Yield, retreat, I Repulse the Monkeys.
The Divine Dragon comes to Block my Pass,
From the zenith I throw a Needle
To Calm the Ocean Base.
Pat my Pegasus, his wild Manes swinging
My Fair Lady Shuttles her spindle.
The lone Diana descends on her silvery
Her Bow Bent, Shooting a furious Tiger.
Forward, step back, left and right---
My shadow is my only follower.
The Seven Stares shine brighter,
The night is cooling faster,
The White Snake creeps near---
I Sweep a Lotus Kick.
The qi is filling in, I feel light,
swimming in air.
A breeze passes by, a shiver,
I wonder it’s time to Close and Seal or
Leave my spirit, unclad---
In the chilly sky?