
IVR 今天又大跌25%, REIT的风险暴露无遗

(2020-04-03 15:00:02) 下一个

18.23 on February 21, 跌掉了80% !

被margin call了

As workers are laid off and unable to pay their rents and mortgages, the value of mortgage-backed securities is falling, causing the wave of margin calls by lenders. 

Invesco Mortgage Capital will have to sell these mortgage bonds at lower prices in order to fulfill some of the margin calls as counterparties accelerate the company’s performance obligations under their financial agreements.


We may be forced to sell assets at significantly depressed prices to meet such margin calls and to maintain adequate liquidity, which could cause us to incur losses,” the company said in its annual report. “Such a situation would likely result in a rapid deterioration of our financial condition and possibly necessitate a filing for bankruptcy protection."


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