
难得糊涂。望能帮助大家解答投资理财的问题。使大家在投资理财的过程中, 不马马虎虎以及不糊糊涂涂被人忽悠, 尽快实现财务自由。


(2017-07-04 10:27:52) 下一个

Gold is not suitable for our retirement investment goal.  Gold is a part of an asset class called 'Precious Metal', but it is not an income generating asset.  Investing in gold is a speculative play to wait for its appreciation, not like investment in real estate, bond or dividend paying stock which will produce income for your retirement needs.

If you are a high net worth investor, I would think that you will need to invest in gold, just as an asset class in your whole portfolio.  

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阅读 ()评论 (2)
hhtt 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Sequoia_CA' 的评论 : 杉树美美,谢谢来访!我有投黄金,也买金条,这只不过是分散投资。对一股的工薪阶层,大家没有钱多到不用用的程度,所以不建议投黄金。
Sequoia_CA 回复 悄悄话 目标是投资的话,黄金不适宜,明白了。