
Letting Go

(2024-02-15 22:27:01) 下一个

Kara Swisher might be right in saying that it was about time that Elon Musk get over the fact that Joe Biden didn't invite him to the EV meeting. 

Elon Musk doesn't get over things easily.

He talks about OpenAI a lot, for example. 

He was crucial in hiring Ilya Sutskever from Google while believing AI is too important to allow a monopoly by Google or any profit making organizations. 

Now OpenAI might just become what it was trying to fight when it first started --a monopoly!

Do you think that Elon Musk should get over the unexpected transformation  of OpenAI?













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龙湾故事会 回复 悄悄话 Sora is amazing. If you had 7 trillions, what would you do with it? :)