| | |  | (HIGH周刊周末特稿)
周五,在11月非农就业数据创下1974年以来最糟糕记录的背景下(November Nonfarm payroll employment fell 533,000, the biggest loss since 1974 and well above the consensus of 335,000. The unemployment rate rose from 6.5% to 6.7%, the highest since 1993.),HIG提升其08财年的利润,从4.36到4.7-4.9的水平,导致其股价翻番,更导致整个保险板块以及金融板块的领涨带领大盘从技术支撑位8100点(SP500 818点)绝地反攻,大涨250多点收市。
December 5, 2008 8:37 AM EST The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: HIG) raises its FY08 EPS view to $4.70-$4.90, versus the consensus of $4.36.
• its operating businesses are performing well, particularly in light of the challenging markets • it is well capitalized and has ample liquidity. Hartford's statutory surplus exceeded $13 billion as of September 30, 2008 and it holds more than $12 billion in cash, short-term investments and Treasuries, as of November 30, 2008 • the capital outlook for its life operations through year-end indicates more than sufficient capital in current market conditions, and even assuming significant additional market deterioration • it is confident in the long-term economic value of our almost $90 billion investment portfolio
年初公布去年Q4的季报,EPS2.66;四月公布今年Q1季报,EPS2.51,当时预计08财年9.2-9.5,比上次的guidance低了(注意四月之前的三月,股市刚刚创下11500的新低);七月公布Q2季报,EPS2.22,预计不变,但是多了一个假设的前提,到了十月份Q3季报之前的10月6号,HIG在宣布接受Allianz的25亿美金投资的新闻中预警了Q3的季报(注意,没有单独发预警报告,放在这个消息之后,说明管理层的煞费苦心),其中预警说(Hartford Financial expects a net loss for the third quarter in the range of $8.50 to $8.80 per share, including net realized capital losses in the range of $7.05 to $7.25 per share, or approximately $2.1 billion to $2.2 billion),每股loss8.5到8.8,净损失(realized)每股7.05到7.25元,绝大部分因为投资financial板块造成的损失!
October 6, 2008 7:17 AM EDTThe Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (NYSE: HIG) announced a binding agreement with Allianz SE, which provides for a $2.5 billion capital investment.
Allianz will purchase, at $31 per share, $750 million of preferred shares convertible to common stock after receipt of applicable approvals, and $1.75 billion of 10% junior subordinated debentures. The debentures are callable by The Hartford at par beginning ten years after issuance.
Allianz SE will also receive warrants which entitle it to purchase $1.75 billion of common stock at an exercise price of $25.32 per share, subject to shareholder approvals. The warrants expire in seven years.
Hartford Financial expects a net loss for the third quarter in the range of $8.50 to $8.80 per share, including net realized capital losses in the range of $7.05 to $7.25 per share, or approximately $2.1 billion to $2.2 billion. The vast majority of the realized capital losses are impairments on The Hartford's investment portfolio. About 75 percent of the impairments are related to investments in the financial services sector, which were negatively affected by recent market turmoil.
January 24, 2008 4:10 PM EST Hartford Financial Services (NYSE: HIG) reported Q4 EPS of $2.66, 17 cents better than the analyst estimate of $2.49.
April 28, 2008 4:11 PM EDT Hartford Financial Services (NYSE: HIG) reports Q1 EPS of $2.51, 5 cents better than the analyst estimate of $2.46.
Sees FY08 core EPS of $9.20-$9.50, versus prior guidance of $9.80-$10.20, versus the consensus of $9.81.
July 28, 2008 4:37 PM EDT Hartford Financial Services (NYSE: HIG) reports Q2 EPS of $2.22, 12 cents better than the analyst estimate of $2.10.
Based on the assumptions below, The Hartford currently expects 2008 core earnings per diluted share to be between $9.20 and $9.50. This range excludes any effect from the company’s planned third quarter DAC unlock and remains unchanged from the guidance range established on April 28, 2008. (FY EPS consensus is $9.04)
October 29, 2008 4:20 PM EDT Hartford Financial Services (NYSE: HIG) reports Q3 loss of $1.40, versus the analyst estimate of ($1.54). Sees FY08 EPS $4.30 to $4.50 versus consensus of $5.25.
华尔街在10月初就有谣言,HIG会破产(October 3, 2008 10:27 AM Senator Harry Reid Backtracks On 'Bankruptcy' Comments (MET, HIG)),导致其股价一路下跌。这个谣言一直阴蛮不散,导致其股价节节新低,甚至到了6元多,昨日提升利润的消息,使得MM有机会在前期的重大损失通过一天翻倍拉升盈利。在金融危机的背景下,华尔街的贪婪和黑暗比以往任何时候更甚!