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My ballad – Running into Peter Pan

(2017-02-23 17:28:52) 下一个

My ballad – Running into Peter Pan


The first night we met

You sprinkled Pixie dust on me

I felt free, free from the ground

You said that's the feeling of flying

From sunset to sunrise

A swell time running in the woods


As we part,

You gave me a kiss on the forehead

And wished me sweet dreams



The second night we met

Under the starry sky

I gazed into your eyes

See no past, no future

You told me to live in the moment

And that's all there is


As we part,

You gave me a kiss on the cheek

And said we'll meet here tomorrow

Look for Captain Hook's jewels


The third night we met

You said you wanna come home with me

But by then I know your name is Peter Pan

Live in a place called Neverland

Where youth never fade

It's best I go home with my shadow


As we part

You gave me a kiss on the lips and a jar of the magic dust

Said when I feel low and blue, open it and let it shine my day


I know I will miss you

For all the sparkling dreams remind me

I once ran into Peter Pan

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