

创世记1:创世与救恩 Creation and Salvation

(2017-01-14 20:19:24) 下一个




接下来, 圣经用“空虚混沌, 渊面黑暗”来形容史前的大地,我觉得用来描述我得救前的心灵正好啊,可不是吗,我信主前心灵就是空虚,混沌,黑暗。


神这时说, "要有光”。就有了光。神看光是好的,就把光暗分开了。我们的主耶稣就是这照进我心灵的光,因着这恩典的大光,我心灵的黑暗被驱散一空。你接受这恩典之光了吗,你愿意灵魂苏醒吗?只有苏醒的灵魂才能让神再造一个不朽的生命给你,你想要生命不朽吗?养生,美容,健身,医保,甚至基因改造等等, 只不过让垂死的生命多挣扎几年。可是接受主耶稣后,你可以有永远的生命。

再接下来,神用祂口中所出的话造空气,  聚海水,堆大地;让地上生果蔬,长大树,命天空列星辰,摆日月;呼唤出水中鱼,空中鸟,地上兽。圣经用词简洁浅显,直接了当,让我们观看拥有无穷智慧和权能的神井然有序地逐一完成创造天地的壮举。天地一天新似一天,万物欣欣向荣,飞禽走兽都可爱友善,羊羔在狮子怀里憩息,一切都和谐美好。每当我默想这创世的波澜壮阔时,我同时也赞叹神通过在我身上运行的圣灵让我一日新似一日,神每天都让我的新生命长大一些,每天都赐我属天的智慧和品格,我每天看自己都有新的惊喜!  就像诸天诉说神的荣耀,苍穹传扬祂的手段一样,我每天更新的生命也不停地赞美敬拜祂。祂配得所有的赞美敬拜。




Before, whenever I studied the first week of creation in Genesis, I would inevitably run into the same question. What exactly did God do in the first week? The question itself is quite simple; to answer incorrectly is unlikely. After answering the same question many times over, God opened the eyes of my heart, allowing me to see that the process of my salvation and transformation is just like the process by which He created the heavens and the earth. 

The Bible starts with, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” What a magnificent declaration. My own birth was also determined through God’s sovereignty. Even from the very beginning, my birth was never a random occurrence. My life is His workmanship, and so is yours.

The Bible goes on to describe the earth before creation as “formless and empty,” with “darkness over the surface of the deep.” I think this exactly what my heart looked like before I believed in God. My heart was formless, empty and dark.

In the next phrase, “the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” The Spirit of God was preparing the waters to be ready for His creation. In the same way, the Holy Spirit was preparing my heart to receive His salvation. Every situation in my life—whether big or small—was God’s means to gently stir my soul, awakening it from its spiritual death. 

“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light, and He separated the light from the darkness.” Our Lord Jesus is the light who shined into my heart. Because of this great light, by God’s grace, the darkness in my heart was driven out. Have you received this light of grace? Do you want your soul to be awakened? Only an awakened soul can allow God to recreate an eternal life for you. Do you want an eternal life which will never rot away? A healthy lifestyle, make up and plastic surgery, fitness and exercise, regular checkups through a good healthcare system—even genetic modification—these things can only help you struggle to hold on to your dying life for a few more years. But by accepting Jesus Christ, you can have everlasting life.

Then, God speaks. Through his word, he creates the open sky, gathers the waters into the sea and piles up the continents. He brings forth all sorts of vegetation from the earth and arranges the sun, moon and stars in their places. He calls out fish from the water, birds from the air, and beasts from the ground. The Bible’s words are simple, clear and direct, and through them, we watch and marvel as the omnipotent, omniscient God brings forth the heavens and earth in orderly fashion. Each day there is something new, and life grows. The animals and beasts are kind to each other, the lamb resting in the lion’s arms. Everything is harmonious and beautiful. When I meditate on the striking process of God’s creation, I marvel at how the Holy Spirit enables my own life to be renewed every day. Each day, God allows my life to grow a little more. Every day, He grants me heavenly wisdom and character. Every day, I am amazed at myself because I am a new person. Just as “the heavens proclaim the glory of God” and “the skies display his craftsmanship,” my ever-renewed life continues to worship and praise Him daily. He is worthy of all worship and praise.

“God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.” God uses the first five and a half days as a prelude to the creation of man. Man is the pinnacle of His creation. He creates man in His own image, His own likeness. You can see how much He wants to bring people into His world. He wants us to communicate and interact with Him, to allow us to understand His limitless love and tender care for all creation. When I meditate on the sanctification God is working in me, I see that He gives me proof of His daily work in me. He leads me to expect that when He finishes this work on me, I will perfectly represent His image and likeness, just as our Lord Jesus Christ does. You must expect the same thing.

When that day comes, God will see all that He has done with me, and it will be very good and pleasing to Him. At the end of the first week, God blessed the seventh day and entered into rest. I cannot help but think about heaven and everlasting life. At the completion of His creation and redemption, He fully enjoys the worship of all creatures and people. He is so pleased to be present with His people, and His people fully enjoy His kindness and grace. God blesses you in order that you may enjoy the pleasure of being in His presence. God is willing to bless you. Why don’t you open your heart to receive?

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