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wgp66 回复 悄悄话 温哥华和湾区,除了气候之外,城里和乡下的区别。
rty 回复 悄悄话 I was working in New Haven, CT from 1999 to 2001. It was pretty nice city. I heard it was dangerous there before but getting better. It is becoming bad again?

I was working in downtown (a few building apart frim that chinese grocery) and temple street and walking all over the city and feel completely safe (during the day though). During the night, I was stuck in a side street in old town across the bridge (a few blocks from pepe, the first pizza shop in US and still there), felt safe too.
HCC 回复 悄悄话 >>>1.非法移民的小孩上学是政府负担,并且免费午餐

1. Those kids are US citizens. They are entitled to education per the US Supreme Court's ruling.
2. I think you read it wrong. Here's what's really happening:
3. I think you read it wrong again. And, they paid taxes, in case you did not know.

4. In fact, many illegal immigrants paid more taxes than Mr. Trump did, by the way. Many of them paid income taxes (yes, they did) and social security ($13 billion per year).

Trump paid $0.

Something > $0.
HCC 回复 悄悄话 >>>不能和人口稀少、发展落后的州相提并论,财源茂盛的加州大城市却公共交通设施落后,这正是加州unique独特的地方

What about San Diego? What about San Bernardino? Fresno? Bakersfield? Are they any different? Please tell me about the traffic/crime in these cities. Thanks.
生命活水泉 回复 悄悄话 回复 'HCC' 的评论 : 不能和人口稀少、发展落后的州相提并论,财源茂盛的加州大城市却公共交通设施落后,这正是加州unique独特的地方
生命活水泉 回复 悄悄话 事实就是这么肤浅易见,童谣都能唱出千里草何青青
从小到大 回复 悄悄话 淮北 发表评论于 2017-03-03 11:21:09


童谣 回复 悄悄话 同意HCC! \n就表面的一两点东西来评定加州是太肤浅了。
清漪园 回复 悄悄话 So true.
harebear 回复 悄悄话 完全同意楼主的看法。真不知道天天选民主党的加州人有没有脑子。
HCC 回复 悄悄话 Complete and utter bologna. This article said nothing unique to California. Traffic congestion and murder? These things happen in all other states, too.

California is the top state with the largest population and the largest economy, with tons of people moving in. If you don't like it, try moving to Oklahoma or Mississippi, and see how you like it in red states.
AmyB12 回复 悄悄话 1. America’s largest state economy is California, which produced $2.44 trillion of economic output in 2015, just slightly above the GDP of France during the same period of $2.42 trillion.
淮北 回复 悄悄话 加州的税收也是全美最高的,都不知给民主党那些人滥用到哪儿去了?
大号蚂蚁 回复 悄悄话 口号越漂亮越是祸害
AmyB12 回复 悄悄话 10年前和2年前去旧金山还是美丽的城市之一,酒店和佛洲的价格差不多甚至同样级别的酒店还比佛洲便宜。佛洲流浪汉也很多。
新年好运 回复 悄悄话 我国内的亲戚也说加州没想象的好,有些地方脏兮兮的,一是缺水显得灰大,二是看到垃圾乱倒
阿留 回复 悄悄话 记得N年前第一次去旧金山时,印象特别好。2000年以后逐步衰退,印象中城里的流浪汉和领救济的越来越多了,而旅馆越来越贵。最后俺们这行儿的春季年会终于改变了几十年的传统,在两年前搬出三藩————心痛。

民主党最失败的地区,可能是耶鲁所在的New Haven。本来是名校所在的好地方,被折腾成全美最危险的城市之一:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Haven,_Connecticut#Crime

In 2010, New Haven ranked as the 18th most dangerous city in the United States (albeit below the safety benchmark of 200.00 for the second year in a row).[13] However, according to a completely different analysis conducted by the "24/7 Wall Street Blog", in 2011 New Haven had risen to become the fourth most dangerous city in the United States, and was widely cited in the press as such.[89][90]