任何事情,如果明明有争议,有人告诉你结论无可辩驳(Indisputable),那你一定要小心,要么他大脑太简单,要么他就是个骗子,Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming(CAGW)(灾难性人为气候变暖)就是这样一个典型的例子,这里要讨论的重点不是地球是否在变暖,而是如果变暖是否主要是人类造成的, 而且变暖的程度是否会对人类的生存环境造成灾难性的破坏。
对于认为CAGW无可辩驳的,这里先列几个知名的反对者:1)Freeman Dyson, 全球顶尖的理论物理学家和数学家, 4)
本人不是气象学家,以前也偏向于相信人类工业化是全球气候变暖的主要原因,只是因为没有花时间了解,所以并不确信。后来看到这个问题越来越政治化,一方面反对者被打压被妖魔化(e.g. How can Will Happer be so dumb?),另一方面反对的声音却越来越强,我决定花一些时间多了解一下,下面是我找到的一些信息,和大家分享。
CAGW的理论根据是人类工业化排放了大量的CO2,造成地球变暖是因为CO2是一种温室效应气体,而温室效应使得地球温度升高。 温室效应不难理解,如果没有温室效应,地球会像火星一样很冷,应该不会有高级生物出现,所以温室效应本身不是坏事,只是太过了可能有问题。其实沙漠地带温室效应就明显弱一些,比如撒哈拉大沙漠白天可以50几度,晚上可以负几度,难道沙漠地带缺少CO2? 原来CO2并不是唯一的温室效应气体,水汽也是,而且水汽更重要得多。那CO2呢?
首先CO2占空气的比例是0.04%,也就是每一百万单位占400(ppm),这么小的比例能有那么大的效力吗? 可能CO2就是特别吧,一点点就够了? 文章-2做了解释。可这样说来,等CO2占比升到500或600ppm时我们可能都活不了吧? 有没有历史数据可以看一看啊?还真有! 地球上恐龙遍地的Jurassic纪元CO2是2000ppm,是现在的5倍,恐龙不怕热吗?他们都长那么大个儿,据说是植物茂盛的结果,所以CO2也可以促进农作物生长哦?在我们不被热死的情况下未必是坏事吧? 关键是2000ppm到底有多热。但不管怎么说,人家在CO2 2000ppm的地球活得好好的,我们才400真的需要担心吗? 再往前看,约五亿年前的Cambian纪元地球的CO2竟然高达4500ppm(现在的十几倍),那时还是地球生命大爆发的时期。还有理论认为再早一亿多年地球曾被冰雪整个覆盖,而那时的CO2只高不低。知道了这些,你还觉得CAGW是无可辩驳的吗?
文章-3试图对此为CAGW自圆其说,但也引进了另一个决定地球气温的因素:太阳。据说那时的太阳发散的能量比现在少4%。那很自然我也可以问现在地球变暖会不会也是太阳发热增加造成的呢? 如果同一段时间内太阳系其它行星和地球同时变暖,那是不是更应该怀疑太阳才是“元凶”啊?文章-4说是的,因为火星也变暖了,文章-5反驳说不是。
这里还有一篇文章-6需要用更正过的数据证明地球变暖和太阳无关,也就是说更正前是有关的,现在无关了。以后会不会再更正一次呢? 不会每一次更正都是无可辩驳的吧?
其实CAGW还有一个更大的问题:如果是CO2造成的,那CO2的变化曲线应该和地球气温变化有相关性,并且CO2的曲线应该超前吧? Oops, 过去一万到两万年前的相关性倒是找到了,但CO2的曲线是滞后而不是超前,滞后约800年! 所以有人认为CO2升高是气温升高的果而不是因,这个解释也很自然,因为海水里面存储的CO2远远大于空气中的,海水升温就会有更多的CO2跑出来,而气温升高超前于海水水温升高也很容易解释,空气稀薄加温快,而深厚的海水被空气加温需要时间。这么说CAGW就破产了? 文章-7可不这么认为,又把CAGW自圆其说了。不过文章-8发现原来的数据不对,滞后没那么多,甚至是否滞后都难说了,这不是打脸文章-7吗?
结果比较让人失望,主流观点认为从2000年左右起的这十多近二十年,气温的上升远低于预测,有的认为根本就没有上升,当然也有的坚持上升没有减慢(文章-9)。这就奇怪了,科学这么发达的今天给地球测个体温那么难吗? 连这个都有争议,还怎么相信CAGW的结论无可辩驳呢?
其实给地球测体温还真不容易!地球的气温以哪里的为准呢? 以平均气温?这个和测量点的选择就很有关系。文章-10认为根据靠近人类生活圈的测量点测出的数据,最近的一百年地球在变暖,但根据远离人类生活圈的观测点或卫星测量数据,地球根本就没有变暖。看看下面这张图,你相信它测出来的数据吗?
你可能觉得这只是个特例,但这篇文章-11说美国90%的采样点都有问题,太夸张了吧?那2013年联邦政府为何关掉600个采样点呢(文章-12)? 这样采集数据真的很不严肃,和作假差不多了。呵呵,作假的也有,看这篇文章-13。
为何对一个缺乏证据的理论有那么多政客跟着瞎起哄? 因为越是崇高的目标越少人敢反对,也就越容易被用来夹带干私活! 我花这么多时间写这篇文章最主要的就是想提醒大家要小心。
Added 9/29: Climate Change Will Not Be Dangerous for a Long Time
In addition to my previous post, if I assume the papers that hold no express stance as implicitly rejecting AGW, by symmetry, there will also be consistency. In fact any assumption on the stance would maintained consistency. So there is no conclusion one can draw on the stance.
Again, even there is true consensus, it does not necessarily mean the conclusion is true or that consensus is indisputable or immutable. I do not have to remind everyone how much resistance and ridicule Einstein's theory or Darwin's theory sustained when it was first put forth.
I appreciate your graciousness in this discussion.
The quoted "spiral trajectory" rationale, contrary to supporting the argument, renders the whole argument completely vacuous, as it makes the subsequent deduction circular. This is a textbook example of how not to draw logical conclusion. Those authors try to show the consensus of support for AGW. They start by presuming "everyone agrees" with AGW and "fundamental science of AGW is no longer controversial among the publishing science community". The aforementioned presumption is crucial in their interpretation of the data to conclude "everyone agrees" with AGW and "fundamental science of AGW is no longer controversial among the publishing science community". Sure, it is self-consistent as every circular argument is. It is simply vacuous, useless and meaningless.
Regarding "selective attention" and "selective acceptance", as individual's propensity for these cognitive bias differs from each other, is it not all the more reason to open the discussion to more individuals with a deviating and especially, especially, an opposing view? That is not what AGW advocates are doing. The very act of emphasizing consensus, even if there is a clear one, not to mention there is not, runs counter to the spirit of science. As a matter of fact, the very fact that the AGW advocates are cherry picking data to demonstrate consensus, with nothing less than the kitchen sink of circular argument thrown in, betrays their fear of reality. Do you see (real) physicists beating their chests, hear them shouting from the rooftop, the consensus for Einstein's theories of relativity both special and general, for quantum mechanics --- in fact there is a lively though small scale discussion on the very foundation of quantum mechanics ---- or the Newtonian mechanics? 酒香不怕巷子深。The louder the yelling the more rotten the fruits are.
More importantly, true progression of science is not by consensus but the confirmation or falsification of a theory with accurate data and rigorous deduction. Intimidation using so called consensus to suppress dissenting opinions, is purely and simply the abhorrible antithesis of scientific enquiry.
The reason I did not touch that 66.4% no-opinion part was because the Blog writer ,Mr. 不合群 , has already presented that in his article . And Justin Fox also said this number drove everybody crazy! Then Justin Fox's coming explanation removed my puzzle as well:
"This result is expected in consensus situations where scientists '...generally focus their discussions on questions that are still disputed or unanswered rather than on matters about which everyone agrees' (Oreskes 2007, p 72). This explanation is also consistent with a description of consensus as a 'spiral trajectory' in which 'initially intense contestation generates rapid settlement and induces a spiral of new questions' (Shwed and Bearman 2010); the fundamental science of AGW is no longer controversial among the publishing science community and the remaining debate in the field has moved to other topics."
So, that is why Justin Fox gave his final point on the situation, which was like a plummet drop of rejection paper published in 2013-2014 compare with those in the previous decade in terms of amount number, which means there is no much controversy on this matter.
However, everybody makes mistake. Time to time , I am quite often frustrated by my own mistake , just can not find a way out of the selective-attention loop. So thanks for the reminding.
To Mr. 不合群, I apologize to you that I did not make myself clear enough on that 30000 opinion survey matter.
You said "selective attention和selective acception真是我们每个人都难以克服的心理弱点。" What you said subsequently indeed give support to that:
自2013年到2014年间,发表的24210篇论文,只有5篇反对,占总数的0.021%". You selectively ignored the percentage of papers that do not express any position. In fact, the percentage of papers expressing no position is 66.4%. So the consensus of 97% for man made global warming is pure manipulative boloney.
Also, survey results usually depend largely on how the question is framed. Did the survey ask the authors whether they think the human activity influence climate, or whether they think the earth is warming (note warming not only that the climate is changing) significantly and human activity is the determining factor for the warming?
You said "NASA的卫星测量的大气温度,要比地面气象站测量的温度准的多。" That is an erroneous claim.
The satellite can only measure the net spectral energy flux in a direction. The energy of the light at a particular frequency integrates over all possible emission, scattering, and absorption along all possible paths of the light. Bear in mind the temperature of the ground and the atmosphere at different heights are vastly different. We can attribute the temperature to either the ground or the atmosphere at different heights even, only when we have a very accurate model and calibration of the spectral profile of the different substance involved. Or when it is a clear day where the optical opacity of the atmosphere is low, we can assume most of the radiation energy flux comes from the ground in a straight line. When there is thick or wide cloud coverage, without many other instruments on the ground and in air at different height, there is no way one can measure the temperature of the ground or the atmosphere.
但不得不指出的是,selective attention和selective acception真是我们每个人都难以克服的心理弱点。这不是别人一两句话,几篇文章就能打动说服的
另外,作者文章借助的网站多是保守的,反climate warming理论的,比如Climatedepot是保守人士资助,CNSnews也是保守派阵地。我不是说,保守就是不好不可信,我是说,只看保守网站的论点,多少会对自身的判断有影响。
第一篇文章是用来说明坊间所谓97%的气象学家赞同气候变暖不可信。这文章前半段是说明了97%的说法不合背景全貌,但接着作者也介绍了做 survey人员后来的补救工作。特别是文章的后半部分,作者说:
不能falsifiable 的是宗教,不是科学。
看看左派新闻就知道:天热了是ACGW, 天冷了也是ACGW, 任何“反常”天气都是ACGW。 这不是宗教是什么?
2014年止,已经有1000多名科学家联名反对全球气候变暖论,其中包括1998年诺贝尔物理奖得主、斯坦福大学教授Robert Laughlin,Robert Laughlin认为:“气候变化不是人力可以控制的,地球也不会在意政府有什么想法。根据目前的天气报告,找不到任何全球气候变暖的证据。气候变化是地质时间尺度的现象,是地球运行的自然规律,不需要任何人批准也不必向任何人解释”。NASA高级科学家Weinstein 说:“任何合理的科学分析都会得出结论,(全球气候变暖依据的)基本理论是错的”。化学家 Mary Mumper表示:“我也是环境保护主义者,但我必须反对Al Gore的观点”。巴西地质学家Lino 批评说:“把数千亿的钱浪费在这个没有事实依据的人为杜撰的全球气候变暖论上毫无价值”。