在美国华人出离愤怒的时候,Disney 居然恬不知耻地推出一部贺岁片“继父”。讲的是一个黑人继父依靠自己的魅力与能力,拯救了一个孤单无助的华人家庭,让华人老婆与孩子感到温馨和快乐。
what a fucking joke!
what a group of Disney arrogant white assholes!
上集《death of dad》
he grew up in the poorest village, but studied hard and went to the best college in China. He came to the United States without a dollar in his pocket, but worked hard, made a good living, and built a good family. He felt so grateful to American and decided to contribute and help the underprivileged black community. He was robbed and killed in the poor neighborhood, leaving behind devastated wife, son, daughter and old parents back in China …
He built a good relationship with his black stepdad. He didn't want to do any school work. He mixed up with local gang with stepdad's friends' children. More amazingly he developed a talent for rapper music. When he became of age, he not only became the ring leader of the gang but also made millions with his rapper music. More importantly he won the competition to father the most children among the famous rappers— 13 children in two years…