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孩子哲学 必读书 之 二十二 德国是配得尊敬的
by Roberto Innocenti and Christopher Gallaz
“ROSE BLANCHE book”的图片搜索结果
一本来自意大利的书。一本来自意大利的关于德国的书。中文版把《白玫瑰》译成《铁丝网上的小花》,我推测有两个原因:一是译者不知道历史上鼎鼎有名的“白玫瑰”组织,想来这个不太可能。二来是译者有意为之,因为可以避免一些令人尴尬甚至危险的东西。但是把《白玫瑰》译成《铁丝网上的小花》,就像硬生生的把喜马拉雅山压缩成乞力马扎罗山,读者的损失是巨大的,对ROSE BLANCHE这本小书也不公正,因为这本ROSE BLANCHE书虽小,可是它的高度不是乞力马扎罗,而是喜马拉雅。你看,会外语、读原著多么重要,可以知道真实,避开有意无意的虚假和造作。
我们都熟悉好莱坞,熟悉美国电影,可能很少人关注过德国电影。德国电影Die Weie Rose"(The White Rose) The White Rose is a 1982 CCC Film production about the White Rose resistance to the Nazi authorities led by a group of University students in Munich in 1942-1943 whose members were caught and executed in February 1943, shortly after the German capitulation at Stalingrad.德国电影Sophie Scholl Die letzten Tage Sophie SchollThe Final Days),The Final Days is a 2005 German film. It is about the last days in the life of Sophie Scholl, a 21-year-old member of the anti-Nazi non-violent student resistance group the White Rose, part of the German Resistance movement. She was found guilty of high treason by the People’s Court and executed the same day, 22 February 1943.它们讲的都白玫瑰的故事,都是ROSE BLANCHE的故事。
The state is never an end in itself; it is important only as a condition under which the purpose of mankind can be attained, and this purpose is none other than the development of all man’s power, his progress and improvement. If a state prevents the development of the capacities which reside in man, if it interferes with the progress of the human spirit, then it is reprehensible and injurious, no matter how excellently devised, how perfect in its own way.
Since the conquest of Poland, 300,000 Jews have been murdered in this country in the most bestial way ... The German people slumber on in dull, stupid sleep and encourage the fascist criminals. Each wants to be exonerated of guilt, each one continues on his way with the most placid, calm conscience. But he cannot be exonerated; he is guilty, guilty, guilty!
如果,你想告诉孩子国家、战争、自由、责任、尊严、罪恶、勇敢和爱,请读这本ROSE BLANCHE。孩子的白玫瑰。每一个心中的白玫瑰。
白玫瑰是德国人的骄傲,也是中国人的,因为我们在白玫瑰中有份,我们的老子就出现在白玫瑰的第二份传单中:The wise man is therefore angular, though he does not injure others; he has sharp corners, though he does not harm; he is upright but not gruff. He is clearminded, but he does not try to be brilliant.
If the people are barely aware that the government exists,
they are happy.
When the government is felt to be oppressive,
they are broken.
Good fortune, alas! builds itself upon misery.
Good fortune, alas! is the mask of misery.
What will come of this? We cannot foresee the end.
Order is upset and turns to disorder, good becomes evil.
The people are confused.
Is it not so, day in, day out, from the beginning?
The wise man is therefore angular, though he does not injure others;
he has sharp corners, though he does not harm;
he is upright but not gruff.
He is clearminded, but he does not try to be brilliant.
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