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帖子 今天, 12:09 pm

Light, Shadow, And All That Float Between

Light, shadow, and all that float between
the dreams that are shredded into feathers
the dreams that are mowed while green
the dreams that are set free without tethers

© Jan 5, dreams
Like (18)

Likes: BernLucie, Daniel Roumell, kaye, Seldom Ornever, Saleen6, Sehasha Udayakumar, Panhead Rod, Gloomyket, TMpoetry, Anna P Yule, Tommy04, Lisa Marie11, Mereuta Radu, Jah-Femi Telewa, Veronica Achlys writes, Ducky5, Alcyone Blue, Butterfly stomach

TMpoetry - Beautiful piece of writing, such lovely words
3:43 PM

Butterfly stomach - cool. Nice post
Feb 5

Ducky5 - I wish I could shatter something into feathers.
Feb 5

Sehasha Udayakumar - A really a lovely poem that made me read it twice.
Feb 5

BernLucie - Wonderful, illusive imagery! Congrats on the FPP!
Feb 5

Tommy04 - Very nicely written
Feb 5

Veronica Achlys writes - Its so well written that its almost unreal
Feb 5

Daniel Roumell - Love how this is sounding please keep going! Expand
Feb 3

Panhead Rod - A well written piece connecting light and shadows to our dreams...Nicely written
Jan 5

Lisa Marie11 - I love this, "shredded into feathers"....even though destroyed dreams can still fly. Nicely penned.
Jan 5

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