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Light and Shadow-11 One Loose Brick

(2023-06-20 08:12:24) 下一个

One loose brick

One loose brick
the only loose brick
in mind's shadow
hides in a brick wall
the wall that blocks light
and traps people

As time ticks
the loose brick still waits for the first click
by the people whose eyes are macro
but hollow
by the people who appear tall
but crawl

The poem titled "One Loose Brick" explores the theme of individuality, oppression, and the potential for change. It utilizes the image of a single loose brick in a wall as a metaphor for a person who feels marginalized or trapped within a larger system.
The repetition of the phrase "One loose brick" emphasizes the singularity and uniqueness of this particular element within the wall. It highlights the idea that even amidst conformity and uniformity, there can be individuals who stand out, albeit subtly. The line "the only loose brick" underscores the brick's isolation and distinctiveness.
The phrase "incognito in mind's shadow" suggests that this loose brick is concealed, possibly unnoticed or ignored by others. It implies a sense of being hidden or unacknowledged within the collective consciousness. The brick's location within the "brick wall" symbolizes the societal structure or system that confines and restricts individuals.
The metaphorical significance of the "wall that blocks light and traps people" points to the idea of barriers and limitations imposed by society. This wall represents the oppressive forces or constraints that hinder personal growth, freedom, and individual expression. It suggests a sense of confinement, both physically and metaphorically, for those who are trapped behind it.
The progression of time is introduced with the phrase "As time ticks," indicating that change is anticipated. The loose brick is described as "waiting for the first click," implying that it is patiently anticipating a transformative moment or a catalyst for change. The concept of the "first click" suggests an initial action or realization that could set off a series of events leading to transformation.
The lines "by the people whose eyes are macro but hollow" and "by the people who appear tall but crawl" present contrasting descriptions of the observers. The phrase "eyes are macro but hollow" suggests that these individuals possess a broad perspective or a comprehensive view of the world but lack depth or genuine understanding. They may overlook or fail to recognize the significance of the loose brick and the potential it holds.
The description of people who "appear tall but crawl" highlights a contradiction between their outward presentation and their true capabilities or motivations. It suggests that despite their seemingly confident or authoritative exterior, they are actually limited or constrained in some way.
Overall, the poem suggests the presence of a marginalized individual within a larger system, symbolized by the loose brick in a wall. It reflects upon the potential for change and the anticipation of a transformative event that may challenge oppressive structures. It also critiques those who, despite their privileged positions, fail to recognize the significance of individuals who deviate from societal norms.

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