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Frozen shadow

(2023-04-12 20:43:48) 下一个

Frozen shadow

Frozen shadow
left by you
It shines blue
on the white snow


This poem is a brief yet poignant depiction of loss and absence. The central image is that of a "Frozen shadow / left by you," which suggests that someone important has departed, leaving behind a lingering presence that is both still and lifeless, like a shadow. The shadow is "frozen," indicating that it is no longer dynamic or vital, and it is set against a background of "white snow," which symbolizes the purity and emptiness of the world that remains after the departure.

The poem's final line, "It shines blue," adds a layer of complexity to the image. Blue is often associated with sadness or melancholy, and it suggests that the shadow, while cold and lifeless, still carries with it an emotional weight that affects the speaker. The use of the present tense ("it shines") also implies that the shadow is an ongoing presence, continuing to affect the speaker even in the moment of the poem's composition.

Overall, this poem captures the sense of loss and emptiness that can follow the departure of someone important, and it does so with a simple yet evocative image that lingers in the mind long after the poem has been read.

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