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(2022-03-29 09:42:48) 下一个

为犹他春游买的玩具,先在俺们村试验,周末去拍鸟,刚知道俺们村的一片荒废的玉米地是沙丘鹤的迁徙的驿站。到了那,鸟比人多多了,几百只,被几个人围观。和周边的人的玩具一比,俺的是小米加步枪的档次,下一个玩具目标出来了,700 mm 的炮筒。虽然步枪,还是放了几枪,对付着看。查 wiki,这沙丘鹤挺有来头,算得上活化石,和丹顶鹤很像,只是羽毛是浅灰色的。

Fossil record
Sandhill cranes have one of the longest fossil histories of any extant bird.[17] A 10-million-year-old crane fossil from Nebraska is said to be of this species,[18] but this may be from a prehistoric relative or ancestor of sandhill cranes, and not belong in the genus Grus. The oldest unequivocal sandhill crane fossil is 2.5 million years old,[19] older by half than the earliest remains of most living species of birds, primarily found from after the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary some 1.8 million years ago. As these ancient sandhill cranes varied as much in size as present-day birds, those Pliocene fossils are sometimes described as new species.[20] Grus haydeni may have been a prehistoric relative, or it may comprise material of a sandhill crane and its ancestor.[21][22]

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