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Dust 写过的最短的,评论都比俺的字数多

(2022-01-06 20:23:52) 下一个


A stirring of dust
Dancing in the wind
Tells me in light we trust

Likes: Poettraveler, Daniel Roumell, O Amante, Jenny Middleton, Moss M. Jacques, Stuart Munro

Poettraveler -
An excellent poem - great depth of meaning in the description - well done indeed 

19 days ago  x  

Daniel Roumell - in light we trust until the twinkling blanket of the night sky wraps us in the comforting distortion of darkness, whispering soft lies about mourning.

3 months ago   x

Stuart Munro - Why do we have dust ? It’s not something we need , God
The world would be a better place without it , I wouldn’t have asthma lol

3 months ago   x

Jenny Middleton - I like how visual your haiku is Bin Shan and there is a lovely sense of positivity about the ending.

5 months ago   x

O Amante - Simple, short and yet it packs so much elegance and details. I could see the dust dancing in the air.


6 months ago   x

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