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凑热闹 聊翻译 两分钱

(2021-05-13 12:56:38) 下一个

很同意小谢,俺赶脚翻译不该是用另一个语言写出译者对诗歌的解读,诗歌通常是一百个人一百个解读,谁对谁错吗,没有答案,通常写诗的人有意模糊,留给读者解读思考的空间。所以俺赶脚翻译诗歌,该尽量 literal ,尽量不改变诗的结构,语序,译者把自己的解读强加给读者是不恰当的。比方,江雪,独钓寒江雪,俺赶脚是全诗的精华,前面都是铺垫,严格字面的意思俺以为是一个画面,老翁在独自一人在钓寒江上的雪,而非在钓鱼。小谢的翻译传递了这个画面。这个画面的意思自然是大家的解读会有种种。



允许我沉醉,允许我哭泣,允许我在这么远的地方 把爱情掏出来。如掏一丛夜来香 面临星光的时候,面临深渊 我一直是个怀揣泥土的人,遇见你 它就有了瓷的模样 却没有人来告诉我每一条路都是晴朗 比你易跌倒,比你易破碎 作为一个贩卖月光和人间的人 我允许你,笑话我 如果哪一个早晨醒来,找不到彼此 只有微风吹过 一定要微笑,无论记得还是遗忘

my unsuccessful attempt

A breeze bypasses me

Please allow me to indulge, to cry, to dig out my love
at such a remote place, as if I dig out a vine of Tonkin Jasmine
on a starry night, in front of an abyss.

I carry around clay to my chest. Once I meet you,
the clay turns into porcelain.
but no one tells me every road is clear.

I walk limplier than you, I break easier than you.
As a vendor of moonlight and society
I allow you, to mock me.

If we wake up one morning, we couldn’t find each other,
only a breeze blows through.
We have to smile, no matter we forget or remember.

Likes: Skypoet40

Skypoet40 - thank you for sharing your emotional journey. love can hurt and it can be grand but in the end it is amazing2 years ago

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