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(2017-09-14 07:59:06) 下一个



The world is a bowl of chilled soup.

I am a stainless fork.

Life is a car climbing the steep hill. 

Am I a roaring force of torque?

Love is a standing bottle of vintage wine.   

I am a oak dork. 

Death is blind to the humble and royal.    

Am I a white rose of York?


这首诗, inspired by a quote "Life is a soup and I am a fork". Don't know who is the real author. heard it on NPR this morning, a student who died in a shooting incident in a high school not far away from my home was quoted to post this on his blog. quoting this would mean something not so ideal in his life. heard he was trying to stop the shooter and killed consequently. if true, a heroic end of his young life. rest in peace. 

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