
  • 博客访问:


(2020-03-12 14:08:45) 下一个

Columbia Families,

I write today to share updated information about Columbia’s evolving response to the coronavirus. Earlier today, President Bollinger announced that all classes for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester will be conducted online. In light of this, we encourage students to move out of our undergraduate residence halls for the rest of the semester if they are able to do so. Executive Vice President Goldberg shared additional information about campus services.

As an undergraduate, your student is most directly impacted by these changes to our academic and campus operations. Following the University announcements, Dean Valentini and Dean Boyce contacted all undergraduate students to offer guidance on next steps. I encourage you to read the deans’ email in its entirety. As before, I will summarize the key points below.

I want to stress that no Columbia student will be left in a vulnerable situation. Our residence halls will remain open, and the University and its campus services — dining, health, wellness, financial aid, academic support and others — will remain operational. The impact of the coronavirus is changing daily, and I want to reemphasize that we strongly encourage all students who can depart campus to do so as soon as possible.

Residence Hall Information 

  • All students must complete this housing status form, as soon as possible but no later than Monday, March 16 at 5:00 p.m. EDT. This will help us maintain accurate occupancy records so that we can provide support services. 

    • Students may elect to depart early (and receive a prorated refund) or to remain on campus for the duration of the spring semester.

  • Students are encouraged, if they are able, to complete an early check-out from the residence halls by Monday, March 30. Find more information about the Spring 2020 move out on the Housing FAQ page.

  • We know some students will be unable to return home for a variety of reasons, and we will ensure those students continue to receive support and campus services, including Dining and Health, as needed. 

    • It is important to understand that while Columbia will remain open, students who choose to remain in the residence halls should be prepared for a significantly altered campus life.

Financial Information

  • Students will receive a prorated refund based on the day they vacate their residence hall and check out using the Housing Portal. Students will receive a credit on their Student Account Statement.

  • Information about Dining refunds will be forthcoming. 

  • Students with questions about financial aid should contact cc-seas@columbia.edu.

Academic Information

  • All classes for the remainder of the semester will be conducted online.

  • Students should contact their advising dean in the Berick Center for Student Advising with any questions or concerns related to their course of study.


  • Any events with over 25 people are strongly discouraged, at least through Thursday, April 30. 

  • No decisions have been made at this time about Class Day or Commencement. We know this weighs heavily on the minds of students and families in the Class of 2020, and we will update you soon.

International Students

  • International students with questions about visas should contact ISSO.

Study Abroad

In closing, I want to acknowledge that this latest update comes on the heels of some very different information you received earlier this week. Our encouragement for students to depart campus now is based on medical recommendations that a reduction in population density will help decrease the potential health risk to the larger community. This is a reflection of how quickly our campus and the world are reacting to the changing conditions posed by COVID-19. 

I know that this news has been incredibly disruptive to your student and to your family. Please continue to send us your questions and concerns — we are responding to as many as we can each day. I am grateful for your cooperation and understanding as we work together to keep our community healthy and safe.


Matthew Patashnick
Associate Dean for Student & Family Support
Columbia College | Columbia Engineering

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哈瑞 回复 悄悄话 整个 LA county 中新冠的不少,这里戴口罩几乎没有人,昨天总算在 UPS store 看见一个戴的。 我也戴了,跟熟人店员打招呼我没病。
暖冬cool夏 回复 悄悄话 回复 '哈瑞' 的评论 : 哈博士啊,听说戴N95口罩一般人会不舒服,喘不过气的,更何况纽约到加州五六个小时飞机呢。但愿晓丽年纪轻,可以忍受。祝晓丽一路平安! 我女儿每天晚上也飞回家,我寄的是普通医用口罩。希望她们都能平安回家。不过南加州的疫情也很厉害,北加六个counties locked down, 我们这里今天也lockdown了。你们那里好像也很厉害的。非常时期,大家都要小心!
哈瑞 回复 悄悄话 紧急空运几副乳胶小手套,仅有的几个 N95 口罩。 小丽下周登机逃离纽约,飞向温暖阳光的南加州。
Once-always 回复 悄悄话 哈哥,你家公主回家就好,有老爸保护,什么都不怕!