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(2016-09-14 13:35:51) 下一个


本课程通过二个月的培训,将带你进入AR/VR 开发世界,打开新技术的大门。让你能够掌握AR/VR开发的技巧,亲手编写你自己的AR/VR应用。每小组一个HoloLens,步入未来的软应用开发。详情,请猛戳 http://svinnosquare.mikecrm.com/h76R6a    or See below please .



课程费用:3600美元/人, Early Bird 有10%优惠;
               Sofia University
               1069 E Meadow Cir
               Palo Alto, CA  94303
               United States                        


【课程设置】Brief Structure of the Course
 1. Introduction to VR/AR technologies
 2. Unity IDE
 3. Programming model of Unity3D
 4. Mesh, Materials, Textures, Lighting and rendering engine
 5. Colliders, RigidBody, Physics materials and physics engine
 6. C# intro
 7. Animation System and Particle System
 8. Develop for Cardboard VR
 9. Hololens and User Interaction
10. Hololens application development

【招生要求】Prerequisite 要满足下面条件之一
 1. College Degree with Major in Computer Science
 2. Computer or Game programmer
 3. Computer graphic specialist or Interior design/CAD engineer

Brian Zhou – CEO, Wyzlink Technologies
Brian is a software industry leader with bilingual and cross cultural expertise. He has served in a variety of leadership roles in multiple divisions within Microsoft Corporation, including server and tools, online space, Microsoft IT and Microsoft Research in Asia. Under his management, his teams have shipped multiple version of Microsoft products and key marketing online applications.In recent years Brian has been active on HTC Vive and Microsoft hololens training and research across US and China education institutions. He will offer good technology and programming classes in AR area.

Xinli Zou - CTO, Wyzlink Technologies 
Xinli is a veteran in Microsoft Research Asia, Internet Explorer, Bing, and Expedia. He possesses strong hands on skills and has been in software development field for 15 years. His expertise includes Computer Vision, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Kinect,Cloud, Mobile development. He has passion in creative technologies. He is an experienced VR instructor.

【课程介绍】Immersive VR Experiences vs Mobile AR
The improvement of computing power, graphics technology, and mobile device components, all contribute to the emerging of the Virtual Reality(VR)/Augmented Reality(AR) technology which has the power that none of other current technologies possess. It will make dramatic impacts on our life when it is ready. Sofia University, Wyzlink, and TsingyouNet offer this course for developers to leap to the cutting-edge of this new technology wave. 

The Virtual Reality technology provides the immersive experience which makes people feel they are really in an environment that they have never entered physically. The experience is so real that our brain would rather believe that we see even though we know it is not real.

The immersiveness of the VR technology plus modern Computer Graphics and other technologies could build complete virtual environment, which could provide not only the realistic experience, but also the new level of Graphic User Interface in virtual world.

The Augmented Reality technology is the new technology which provide the convenience and functionality that no other technologies could do. The new AR headset will always be on and let you see and hear as if it does not exist,  and it could display the information right in front of your eyes anytime when it is needed. Combined with the Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, it could deliver the power which only exists in sci-fi movies today.

Sofia University管理报名、课程并颁发证书

Contact Information : 

Tel: 1-408-887-2020,

E-mail: yqi@tsingyou.net

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