

2017 polar expressions contest

(2017-12-22 17:05:11) 下一个

今年娃在enrichment class 第一次参加了这个English writing contest。提交一个poetry和一个short story。2018年的一月出poetry的结果,二月份出short story的结果。然后它们将在polar expressions publishing公司的出版物上。

My Trusty Pencil


It scribbles and scrawls

And doodles and draws

Thrives through essays and assignments

Eraser making grammar refinements

My pencil is always there for me


Pages and pages have gone by

Words have gotten less crisp and clean.

My pencil doesn't seem as keen as before

Those sharp old days I wish I could restore

My pencil is always there for me


My pencil is now as dull as could be

It screeches and squeals when I grind it across my paper

The dreaded sharpener edging closer and closer

It gives me discomfort as its faithful owner

My pencil is always there for me


Spinning the wheel to select the size

Gripping the handle with my firm hand

Inserting my pencil, trying not to tear up

I slowly grind the sharpener, listening to my pencil shriek

My pencil was always there for me


I pull out my pencil

Preparing to see the worst

But to my surprise

I see a creative journey ahead

My pencil is always there for me







“Checkmate.” I had just won my fourth game in the chess tournament. I was 4-0, undefeated. The last game wasn’t going to be easy. I’d be playing one of the most renowned players in the chess community, notorious for how accurate every single move he made was. I’ve played him once before, but this time I had the upper hand. I would be playing as white this time. I’ve been plotting my opening, months in advance just for this game. Analyzing every single variation possible, leaving him no choice but to fall for my trap. Surely I will be able to win this time. I can’t afford to wait another year just to prove my supremacy in the chess community. I’ve been dethroned and now it’s time to reclaim my title.

“Players, please make your way to the playing hall to begin the final round. Good Luck!” the announcer said. It was time to decide if the months of practice would yield the outcome that I would have aspired. I approached the board, where I found my opponent already waiting there. He was examining me, analyzing my every move even before the game started. His stone-like face, emotionless with his eyes locked onto my every step, I felt like he was trying to intimidate me and it was working. I tried not to show my anxiety on the outside, but I was going ballistic. It was the first time I was playing at the number one table, the table displayed 10 feet above the ground, towering over all the other players.

The referee gave us the signal and we began. We initiated our openings, setting up our defences. e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bb5 Nf6 O-O Ng4 h3 h5. Perfect, the trap has been set, now will he take the bait? Will he take my knight and suffer his well anticipated defeat? Is he really going to move his pawn and allow me to penetrate through his defenses that easily? He grabs his pawn and takes my knight!

“What a fool!” I mutter to myself, trying not to smirk. I’ve always dreamt that I’d get first in this prestigious tournament, but now it was within arms reach. I could already feel the smooth glassy surface of the number one trophy. The game was essentially over. I try not to show my excitement during the game and I start to see panic in his eyes. My heart drops. Qd7, how is that even possible? My face turns into a bright red, I feel a bead of sweat forming on my forehead. I look at his face, trying to scan his emotions. He looks into my eyes and grinningly says one word... “Checkmate.”


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