不好意思,其实俺只是认真的问了下chatGPT,没有认真去查每一篇文章, 但是貌似偏差不大啊,如有偏差,也是chatGPT的错 
下面是内容(英文在前,中文在后),大家自己看,俺不做任何评价 LOL
Chromosome 1
- DISC1 (Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1): Associated with cognitive performance and brain development.
Chromosome 2
- NRG1 (Neuregulin 1): Linked to cognitive function and schizophrenia.
Chromosome 3
- CHRNA7 (Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Alpha 7 Subunit): Associated with cognitive performance and sensory processing.
Chromosome 4
- DCDC2 (Doublecortin Domain Containing 2): Linked to reading ability and neuronal development.
Chromosome 6
- DTNBP1 (Dystrobrevin Binding Protein 1): Implicated in cognitive ability and schizophrenia.
- KIBRA (WWC1): Associated with memory performance and hippocampal function.
Chromosome 7
- FOXP2 (Forkhead Box P2): Involved in speech and language development.
- CHRM2 (Cholinergic Receptor Muscarinic 2): Linked to cognitive ability and IQ scores.
Chromosome 10
- INPP5A: Linked to cognitive ability as measured by the Mini-Mental State Examination and phonemic verbal fluency.
- Reference: Your provided reference regarding INPP5A.
Chromosome 22
- COMT (Catechol-O-Methyltransferase): Associated with variations in IQ and executive function.
Chromosome X
- FMR1 (Fragile X Mental Retardation 1): Causes Fragile X syndrome, associated with intellectual disability and autism.
- OPHN1 (Oligophrenin 1): Linked to intellectual disability and specific cognitive deficits.
- MECP2 (Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2): Causes Rett syndrome, a severe neurodevelopmental disorder.
- ARX (Aristaless Related Homeobox): Linked to intellectual disabilities and epileptic disorders.
- DMD (Dystrophin): Associated with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies and varying degrees of intellectual disability.
染色体 1
- DISC1 (Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1):与认知表现和大脑发育有关。
染色体 2
- NRG1 (Neuregulin 1):与认知功能和精神分裂症有关。
染色体 3
- CHRNA7 (Cholinergic Receptor Nicotinic Alpha 7 Subunit):与认知表现和感觉处理有关。
染色体 4
- DCDC2 (Doublecortin Domain Containing 2):与阅读能力和神经元发育有关。
染色体 6
- DTNBP1 (Dystrobrevin Binding Protein 1):与认知能力和精神分裂症有关。
- KIBRA (WWC1):与记忆表现和海马功能有关。
染色体 7
- FOXP2 (Forkhead Box P2):涉及言语和语言发育。
- CHRM2 (Cholinergic Receptor Muscarinic 2):与认知能力和智商分数有关。
染色体 10
- INPP5A:与通过简易智力状态检查(Mini-Mental State Examination)和语音流利性测量的认知能力有关。
染色体 22
- COMT (Catechol-O-Methyltransferase):与智商和执行功能的变异有关。
X 染色体
- FMR1 (Fragile X Mental Retardation 1):引起脆性X综合征,与智力障碍和自闭症有关。
- OPHN1 (Oligophrenin 1):与智力障碍和特定认知缺陷有关。
- MECP2 (Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2):引起雷特综合征,一种严重的神经发育障碍。
- ARX (Aristaless Related Homeobox):与智力障碍和癫痫病有关。
- DMD (Dystrophin):与杜氏和贝克肌营养不良症有关,并导致不同程度的智力障碍。