
在弟兄追思会上的悼辞 (with English version)

(2016-05-03 13:53:42) 下一个



 一世淡泊,心诚志坚,沉浮事业, 起落人间,泰然处之,荣辱等闲。豁达仁厚,君子之贤;若愚若谷,孺子之谦;沉静致远,开朗乐观。为人之子,孝道为先;为人外子,情深意绵;为人之父,恩慈万千;为人之友,体贴周全。





Today a new memory, nonetheless, his image unalterable,

So vivid is his presence in our hearts and minds that he cannot truly be gone.

Still in his prime, with so much left to give, why leave us so soon?

Days numbered by Heaven, disclosed to none.

His loving wife and daughters are heartbroken over his loss.

Friends and family shed tears.

Brothers and sisters in Christ saddened. 

Preserved and cherished are the precious memories of his years. 

Simple, strong, sincere in his life,

Facing ups and downs with ease, light and dark ebbed and flowed like the tide.

Kind and open, humble and gentle,

Unassuming,optimistic with great foresight;

A loyal son, a devoted husband, a caring father, and

A mindful friend of friends,a friend to all!

The very day he was saved, the grace of God filled his heart. 

He was born again, leaving his old self behind in response to the Lord’s call. 

Blessings from heaven flooded; the love of the Lord flowed through him.  

Two respectable daughters raised by two Godly parents,

Spirit of joy, heart of peace,

He loved God with all of his being and to the Lord devoted his talents. 

Now he savors the sweetness of paradise

And has laid down all his earthly burdens. 

How wonderful it is to rest in the arms of the Lord! 

Till we meet again, smiling, we will recall our time together in the mortal existence.



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