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Important Info about Receiving Realtime Intraday Trend Trading Signals

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to joining in this realtime intraday trend trading signals (RITTS) test group for receiving signals from Detecting robot for Realtime Intraday Trend (Dr. RiT). You are included in this group because you have expressed your interest of receiving signals from this innovative system. It's upon your own decision to unsubscribe from this group.

Important Infomation about RITTS from Dr. RiT:

(1) This is short-term intraday trend signal, representing stock trend in a time frame of about 5-minutes. The signals maybe not suitable for longer-term or shorter-term usages. 

(2) Signals will be issued eachtime when a new trend is detected by the codes. There will be probably no signals until a new trend is detected.

(3) The signals represent short-term trend changes. They are not best (or even good) entry or exit trading points. 

(4) The signals maybe not reliable subject to data error, time delay, code bugs and this or that kind of problems. It's upon your discretion at your own risks to use them. 

(5) Signals will be BULL (+++) and BEAR (---). BULL (+++): when MA turns up. At BULL (+++) status, it's usually suitable for Long and 'long low sell high';  BEAR (---): when MA turns down. At BEAR (---) status, it's usually suitable for Short and 'short high cover low'.

(6) You can unsubscribe this RTTS group at any time by telling your contact info.

(7) Dr. RiT will usually detect trends from 9:15 AM to 4:15 PM (EST).  No signals should  be expected beyond this time period.

Thank you.  Happy Trading !        

-- Watersnake      /Nov.20, 2016


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