

(2020-08-08 22:06:15) 下一个

大女儿有时候爱搞些精灵古怪。这不,今天给我写了封伊妹儿。XX 代表我的英文名, YY代表她的名字。

Hello XX,


With the school semester beginning on September 1st, I am sure you are aware of the possibility of new supplies which need to be obtained. 

Specifically, for my upcoming math course, a graphing calculator will no longer be sufficient. Instead, we have been (strongly) recommended by our math teacher to upgrade to a "TI NSpire CX CAS" calculator, which has a wider variety of functions available. 

Below, I have attached a few links to some NSpires, which I will like for you to peruse through and buy whichever is more convenient, financially or otherwise speaking:

Option 1

Option 2

The calculators are a little pricey-but rest assured that this will be the last calculator you ever need to buy for me. I do not believe my sister will ever need this for her time in high school.

Furthermore, I wanted to notify you that registration packets for school have arrived. They currently sit at your desk, underneath the keyboard. I urge you to look over what we need and discuss the required immunity shot which I may or may not have already gotten. Everything needs to be turned in on August 13th, around 11 am. 



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