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速描《金瓶梅》第 84 回/100

(2017-01-10 07:48:50) 下一个

自秦始皇,历朝皇王都到山东泰山封禅朝拜, 封:就是在泰山顶上筑坛祭天神, 禅:就是在泰山脚下筑台祭地神。


平民百姓到泰山敬神修炼。 身在山东正妻月娘与哥也前往泰山为西门远道许愿。登碧霞宫,观娘娘金身仙容, 遇到道士竟然鸡鹅鱼鸭,琥珀银镶,藏奸蓄诈,男盗女娼,道士把大汉殷天锡引出蛇出洞,强暴月娘。月娘与哥逃出碧霞宫, 迷闯清风寨,又入土匪圈。多亏宋江杀人飞逃躲此, 解救月娘, 后宋江到梁山派李逵杀死殷天锡。




Ever since Qin Dynasty, all the emperors in China must go to Tai-shan Mountain for worship ceremony.  They come up to the top of mountain to worship the Heaven God, then down to the ground to worship the Earth God.


To pray for Ximen, the 1st wife and her brother travel one week and land at Tai Shan Mountain. They climb to the Temple, visit the Goddess, witness the monks serving meats with amber food wares, molesting men and women.  The monks trap the 1st wife, assisting Yin to jump from dark to assault her. She and her brother flee away, but get lost in another gangs village, thanks to Song who hides here, he saves both of their lives.  Later Song orders Li to kill Yin.

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