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速描《金瓶梅》第 95 回/100

(2017-01-19 11:28:47) 下一个

为人正直的西门庆正妻月娘竟被家仆平安诬告与其通奸,平安可不是个平安人。唆使人是西门庆的旧友吴典恩(无点恩), 也是办案人,任职相当于现在公安局局长,官是西门庆照顾给的, 他在西门庆死前借钱未还不说, 现在想再敲诈月娘一笔 。


西门庆正妻月娘乞求昔日贴身丫头,今日官太太春梅帮忙。 春梅老公严惩肇事者, 为月娘解围。


重新洗牌, 仆人欺主人,主人求仆人。

Ximen’s 1st wife is accused of having an affair with her house servant, named Peace, and the person in charge of the case is Mr. Wu Dian-en, (his name means “Not-nice”). His current position was given to him by Ximen, and he borrowed money from Ximen, but never returned.  Ximen’s 1st wife feels people betray her once her husband died.


The 1st wife of Ximen begs Mei, her former maid, now the influential woman, for help. Mei uses her husband’s power to punish the two guys.


Game change, who is the boss?

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