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速描《金瓶梅》第 94 回/100

(2017-01-18 06:22:55) 下一个

西门庆女婿陈经济成道士, 偷老道士卖贡品藏捐款积下的私钱,逛妓院, 宿娼,被侠客打, 押到周府。


周家官太太春梅此时生子,封为正房, 受宠无比, 遇到昔日嬉友陈经济,指陈为表兄, 陈被释放。 春梅深知欲留陈, 需除知内幕的厨奴孙雪娥,也就是从前的西门庆四妻,于是把孙雪娥卖给妓院。


Chen, Ximen’s son-in-law, becomes a monk, he steals the old monks money. Chen continues to go to whorehouse…gets into argument with owner who has his men beat Chen. Chen is brought to the Official Zhou’s house for further punishment.


Mei meets Chen, now Mei gives birth to a son, is ranked as the 1st wife of Zhou, being spoiled.  Mei claims Chen is her cousin, Chen is released. Mei wants to get Chen in the house, but she has to get rid of Snow-flake, Ximen’s 4th wife, Mei’s cook who knows Chen’s background with Mei.  So Mei sells Snow-flake to a whorehouse.


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