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速描《金瓶梅》 第 92 回/100

(2017-01-16 17:48:12) 下一个

二十四岁的陈经济因三嬉丑闻被赶出西门, 问妈借钱,游娼楼,  娶十八岁妓女冯金宝。拿妈积蓄做丝绸本买卖被骗光。他制奸情曾与西门庆四妻孟玉楼有过猫腻以勒索其香笼细软。 未成, 回家暴打老婆西门女,  她上吊缢死芳龄二十四。新妻冯金宝吓得弃婚陈经济逃娘家。西门庆正妻月娘忿忿不平帮打官司, 恶婿陈经济终于入狱。



The 24 year-old Chen, Ximen’s son-in-law, was kicked out of home due do scandal. He borrows money from his mom, visits whorehouse, meets and marries the 18-year-old Feng.  He takes him mom’s life savings involving silk business but gets cheated by his partner. He black-mails Ximen’s 4th wife Yuelou to demand a piece of her assets, fails. Chen then beats his wife, Ximen’s daughter, she hangs herself and dies at 24. Feng runs away from Chen’s marriage. Ximen’s 1st wife accuses Chen abusing women, Chen is put into jail.


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