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速描《金瓶梅》第 90 回/100

(2017-01-14 15:22:31) 下一个

孙雪娥是西门庆元配陈氏陪嫁丫头,善五鲜汤水,升为四妻,主勺妻室小灶和西门庆盛宴, 难得与西门庆鸳鸯共枕,曾因嫉妒丫头春梅受西门庆宠爱, 两女结仇。


西门庆死后, 金莲/陈经济/ 春梅三嬉, 是雪娥唆使正妻月娘赶走陈经济, 卖掉春梅与金莲。雪娥与仆人来旺携财私奔而被抓, 今日的贵妇春梅得知, 买下孙雪娥,下厨为奴。 同府两女财运逆转。


Snow-flake was the maid of Ximen’s original wife (before current set 6 wives) who died a long time ago.  Snow-flake is so good at cooking, so she is promoted to 4th wife, but mainly in charge of cooking for the other wives and house banquets, she seldom gets to sleep with Ximen.  Snow-flake and Mei don’t get along, as the maid Mei is spoiled by Ximen.


After Ximen dies, Jin/Chen/Mei scandal spreads everywhere, it’s Snow-flake who encourages the 1st wife to kick Chen out, sell Mei and Jin. Then, Snow-flake runs away with Lai, house servant,  carrying house treasures, but gets arrested. Mei, the powerful wife now,  buys Snow-flake as her cooking maid for revenge.


Snow-flake, goes from maid to 4th wife to servant cook. Mei goes from maid to Powerful wife, reversal of fortune.


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