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速描《金瓶梅》第 89 回/100

(2017-01-13 07:11:04) 下一个

清明扫墓, 西门庆正妻妻月娘家人无钱做轿子, 改骑毛驴。远见周守备老爷的香火院,清新精美, 西门庆生前曾出几十两银修缮。月娘进入, 忽见众拥大轿,齐鸣钟鼓,只见春梅头戴冠, 珠翠堆满,给金莲上墓哭祭。




Qing Ming Tomb Sweeping Day, Ximen’s 1st wife and the relatives ride donkey instead of fine carriages as they are no longer loaded.  They see in distance a beautiful temple, owned by Zhou, the Military Official…Ximen spent money to help the renovation. Suddenly, they see the crowds surround a carriage, drums and bells make noise, it’s Mei, who wears crown, jewels, visit Jin’s tomb, cries for Jin.


The 1st wife meets Mei, who was her maid at the beginning before pass to Jin, now is wife of powerful Zhou. The rich are not always rich, and Mei goes rag to rich!

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