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速描《金瓶梅》第 63 回/100

(2016-12-18 08:16:46) 下一个

西门庆自六妻瓶儿病逝, 喉咙哭哑, 三夜无眠, 不进汤水。 经劝泪止, 数夜孤寝瓶儿灵堂, 又找人给瓶儿画像, 酷似真人, 至少口气。


上纸祭奠的亲朋关长不计其数, 西门庆合家白绢孝衣, 四童守灵, 三牲汤饭, 十五张祭席, 当歌童唱到今生难会, 西门庆泪如泉涌, 金莲却说, 如能把我眼泪唱出才是好戏子。


Ximen cried dry since his 6th wife Ping died.  He neither ate nor slept for three days, he finally got control of himself after friends’ help.  He slept a few nights in Ping’s funeral hall, he also had a man painted a picture of Ping that looked so real but with no breath.


People come to Ping’s wake ceremony, Ximen’s entire family wear white silk clothes, four boys guard the coffin, there are fifteen dining fables, offering sacrifices for Ping, when the boys singing “we cannot see each other this life”, Ximen’s tears are pouring down.  However his 5th wife Jin says that they are not good singers unless they can sing my tears out.

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