2015 (4)
2016 (145)
2017 (132)
西门庆专程进京向中央蔡太师献生日担礼,并拜其为干爹, 同时京城内外广交官员, 势力膨胀。他不大识字, 招家庭秘书贴金言辞。
返家后,西门庆天天接风送礼, 日日达官显贵, 夜夜红粉缱绻, 开支欠债增大, 有巨财短现金。
Ximen makes a special trip to the capital to deliver the loaded presents to the Official Cai, and names Cai as his God Father. At the same time, Ximen makes friends with officials in and out of the capitals, he is building his power house. He is illiterate, hiring a live-in ghost writer to do all his reading and writing.
Back from his trip, Ximen is busy with all high ranking ceremonies, and making up nights for each of his 6 wives. His spending and debts are climbing higher, he is rich in assets but short in cash.