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(2016-11-30 19:59:30) 下一个

再看音乐剧 Hamilton.

看了时下芝加哥正热演的音乐剧 Hamilton。改变了你对音乐的定义。 押韵的文字经过舌尖,唇齿,喉舌,拳头,脚步等“乐器”,在音乐大师的指挥下变成神奇的交响乐!美美享受前所未有的听觉大餐,视觉大餐。

这是关于美国亚历山大 ·汉密尔顿Alexander Hamilton (1755  – 1804),从私生子,孤儿,贫穷移民走向金字塔顶峰,成为美国第一任财政部长,49岁死于老友的嫉妒枪口之下的故事。在美国开国总统乔治·华盛顿时期, 34岁的汉密尔顿首建国家财政体系: 信贷,关税,银行,硬币重量等等,现在的10美元钞票上就是他的头像,拿放大镜仔细看看头像下的名字。

他的政治生涯毁于婚外恋, 但他的政治影响并未削弱, 他促成托马斯 · 杰弗逊Thomas Jefferson当选成美国新总统, 致使竞选总统的波尔(Aaron Burr)落为副总统。波尔一直嫉妒老朋友汉密尔顿的才干,当他看到报纸上汉密尔顿说他是最危险的人时, 指责汉密尔顿的这句话使他落选总统, 由于纠纷难结, 最后以双方决斗判决, 即双人走10步后回头持枪对射,先亡为败, 汉密尔顿出于善良,把抢口对向天空, 没想到没有感化波尔, 波尔开枪打死汉密尔顿。  


这个音乐剧有趣又有政治讽刺的是, 大胆地让一水儿的黑人演员演白人总统乔治·华盛顿, 托马斯 · 杰弗逊以及所有政客 。在这个“黑白颠倒”的主题下,台词是用 70年代出炉的黑人流行音乐Hip Hop, (Rap) 说词式, 节奏感极强,悦耳动听, 像是以4/4 拍为音节写下的押韵对话。编剧作曲大师把26个字母组成的词,精心组合,唇齿喉舌成了乐器,气流振荡而出,又因不同人的音域, 发出奇妙的打击音响效果, 简直是舌尖上的交响乐!


此音乐剧是2015年问世,一跑打响, 以其标新立异,获得多项业界最佳台词,歌词,剧本,音乐奖。

Lin-Manuel Miranda, 是编剧,作曲,并曾主演汉密尔顿!他本身是移民,我们从汉密尔顿看到他的寄托。汉密尔顿的成功也使 Lin-Manuel Miranda 登上2016年音乐剧的顶峰。

此剧在芝加哥一天一场自2016 年一直支持学着, 芝加哥的福份!

Go see “Hamilton” if you are in Chicago!  We love it, love it!!! It changes the way you think about music! It’s a symphony of lips, tongues, throats, together with acoustic effect from fists, steps, What a delicious feast to my ears and my eyes! 


This is about Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804), from bastard, orphan, poor immigrant to become the 1st  United States Secretary of The Treasury during George Washington era, then died 49 at the hand of his old jealous friend Arron Burry at the duel.   The playbill shows a powerful image with Hamilton standing on the top of a Five-Star pointing his gun towards the sky implying at the duel.

Hamilton is 212 years away from us though,  he is at finger tip of each of us today, the $10 bill with his head and name on.

The fun and irony of the play is that the black actors play all politicians, such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr…, under this black-white-flip-opposite theme, the 1970’s black hip hop (rap) set the tone for the lines.


Lin-Manuel Miranda, a 36-year-old-Game-Changer, wrote the book, the score, and originally stared as the title character.  We can see “Hamilton” reflects his own life ambition as well!, an immigrant, and a winner at the top, “Hamilton” released in 2016, has won many "Bests" ever since!

We are lucky in Chicago!


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