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(2016-11-11 07:03:50) 下一个

西门庆听从金莲,欲占其妻,没派来旺出差,反给他300两银开酒铺。 当夜来旺听喊捉贼,拿刀出去,反当贼捉,西门庆抄家银两见少,定罪来旺“持刀杀主”,“挪用公款”, 打入地狱。 宋慧莲识破西门庆诱夫入套,恋夫自缢, 亡年25, 即是背夫女, 又是怜夫女。金莲速灭西门庆娶七妻之梦。

Ximen takes Jin’s advice, gives Lai Wang working capital to open a bar instead of going out of town.  That night, Lai Wang heard the yelling “Catch the thief!”, he takes the knife out to help, but is caught as a “thief”.  Ximen searches his home, finds out the working capital was short, claims Lai Wang two counts “Attempt to kill Ximen”, and“using business money for personal purpose”, put him in jail. Song Hui-lian now figures out Ximen’s setup, and hangs herself at age of 25.  She is a wife cheating on her husband, and sympathetic to him at same time. Jin immediately destroys Ximen’s dream to get the 7th wife. 


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