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速描《金瓶梅》第16 回/100

(2016-11-01 05:18:51) 下一个

西门庆眠花卧柳,昨桂姐, 今瓶儿, 明金莲,欺东骗西。 瓶儿服孝未满,催嫁西门庆,愿铺床叠被做小六,西门庆迟迟不娶, 说在给瓶儿盖三层房,建玩花楼,造百花园, 瓶儿掏出沉香白蜡金银细货,换银百两用于西门庆盖房钱, 西门庆又捞一笔!订下过门日子,瓶儿眼欢心期,  西门庆与酒友喜庆追欢。

Ximen sleeps around, with Gui yesterday, Ping today, Jin tomorrow, cheating on each other. Ping is rushing Ximen for marriage before finishing her hubby’s funeral ritual, willing to serve him in a lower house ranking.  Ximen has no immediate plan to marry Ping, instead saying his being busy building Ping a 3-story flat, with a flower-view and botanic garden, Ping gives Ximen another load of treasure for the house project.  Ximen profits again! Now Ping is very happy that her wedding date is set.  Ximen’s gangs have a party for yet another of his engagements.

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